Page 13 of Country Dreams

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That night had definitely sparked something within her, unlocking her creativity, and she thought it had a positive effect on Natalie too.

“I hope you enjoy it,” Sienna said into the microphone as she began playing, the rest of the bar fading into a blur. She hadn’t intended to, but it wasn’t long before Sienna realized that she was only singing to Natalie, Sienna’s eyes locked on hers.


Natalie had only had two beers during Sienna’s set, so she couldn’t blame her lingering gaze on that. Maybe it was hearing Sienna sing, seeing her perform again, that brought her right back to that first night, to the way neither of them had wanted it to end.

Natalie didn’t know what it was, but she’d felt Sienna’s eyes on her more than once during her performance, and Natalie had even held that eye contact, daring herself to, because what was the harm in it? Sienna wasn’t interested in her. Not like that.

It was just a musical connection, and that thought kept bubbling up this last month, especially after any of the times she saw Sienna at the bakery. That Natalie shouldn’t ignore that. She should have gotten in touch these last few weeks.

And Natalie wanted to do something for Sienna. Just about all her contacts in the music industry were gone, but there was one person who might be able to help, and if she got a chance to talk to Sienna tonight, she had to bring it up.

Natalie finished her beer, getting ready to slide out of the booth and order another, but Sienna was coming towards her with a hint of a smile on her lips carrying two bottles of beer.

“Hey,” Natalie said, staying right where she was.

“Hi.” Sienna’s smile widened. “Can I join you?”

“Yeah. Of course. And thanks.” Natalie lifted the bottle, lightly clinking it against Sienna’s. “That was a great set.”

“Thanks.” Sienna sat across from her, her blond hair glossy and straight, falling across her shoulders.

“I didn’t know you played here every Thursday or I wouldn’t stopped by sooner. I just happened to notice the flyer in the bakery yesterday morning.”

“Yeah, it’s been the only steady gig I’ve ever had. This is my fourth year doing it. I take the summers off, but other than that and maybe Christmas, I’m here just about every Thursday night.”

“You played a lot of your own songs tonight, right?” Natalie asked a sip of beer, the condensation wet against her fingertips.

“Yeah. I usually do a mix, but I’ve been writing a lot more lately, so I had three new songs tonight that I’d never played live before. I think it went well, but I’ll see what ones I’ll keep for next week or the week after.”

“What about that last one?” Natalie asked. She’d been absolutely transfixed during Sienna’s last song. The way her voice hit those low notes. The emotion. It hadn’t felt like an original song. It had felt like a classic, like a song that had been well-worn, that was timeless.

“Yeah, that was a new one.” Sienna took a drink, her eyes falling to the bottle as she left it back on the table.

“Have you ever recorded any of them?”

Sienna looked up. “Other than on my phone? No.”

“I have a friend.” Natalie swallowed, hoping Frank would actually come through for her. “He’s retired now but he converted his garage into a recording studio. Even though he’s not producing records, he still likes to fiddle with his own stuff and get people in if they want some lowkey studio time without anyone listening in.”

“Where’s that?”

“He’s about a two-hour drive away. Look, I can’t promise anything, but I think I should see if he’ll give you some time. He’s probably the only person left in this business that still cares about me.”

Sienna sat forward, her forearms resting on the table. “Do you really think I could? Even when he doesn’t know me?”

Natalie nodded. “He’s always been kind to me, and he worked on my last album with me. We actually co-produced it together. So, can I reach out to him? Arrange something before the end of the year?”

“Yeah,” Sienna said, her eyes lighting up. “That would be amazing. I wouldn’t even… I mean, I’ve never been in a studio. I can’t actually imagine how fucking insane that would be.”

Natalie’s lips slid into an easy smile. “I’d love to make it happen and to help you if you want it. Not that you need it. But I’ve been on both sides of the booth, and I’ve been giving vocal lessons online for the last ten years. Again, not that you need any help in that department. I’m just saying that I’m interested in getting the best out of someone, and I would love to help you, however I can.”

Natalie took a swig of beer to stop herself from rambling anymore.

“I don’t know what to say.” Sienna propped her chin up on her hand. “I love the sound of all of that. I definitely would need to get my shit together though. To get the most out of the time there.”

“We should get together a few nights a week. Whatever suits your schedule. I assume you’d want to record some of those new songs.”
