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I sigh, slinking back against the car seat and crossing my arms. It feels like a deflection as much as a way to arm myself against this man who absolutely, unequivocally rocked my fucking world last night.

I’ve never in my life had sex that was hotter or more mind blowing. The soreness between my legs is the only evidence of our night together because he sure as shit won’t acknowledge it today. I won’t lie and say I’m not disappointed.

When I woke up alone in the hotel room this morning, I let myself feel the sting of rejection but not for too long. I lay there, going over every single moment from last night. The way his tongue felt on mine. The hard chiseled abs that awaited me under his shirt. The size and girth of the beast between his legs. God, it was so good. I think he’s possibly ruined me for all other men, but I’m unwilling to admit that just yet.

So, considering I woke up alone, and Andrew is probably the prickliest man I know, I shouldn’t be surprised he’s back to his indifferent, grumpy self today. However, I held out hope a night of incredible sex earned me a little grace. That I might be shown a slightly less grumpy Andrew.

I was wrong, so fucking wrong. The man sitting next to me is trying to ignore me. To act like nothing happened. Well, buddy, two can play that game, and I always play to win.

All I know is I won’t let last night be our only night spent together. I want more. It was too good, too earth-shattering. I’ll make it so Andrew won’t be able to resist the temptation of another round between the sheets.

I glance over, catching him staring at me out of the corner of his eye. I only smirk. This man doesn’t know what’s coming for him, and he better be prepared to be knocked on his ass.

We pull up to the restaurant, picking something close to the courthouse so we have enough time to eat and get back before court resumes in the afternoon. The defense is still going through their opening remarks, and let me tell you, it’s hell to sit there and listen to how they’re spinning the story.

Christopher pled not guilty. His whole defense is based around him not being the mastermind. They’re saying he was coerced into doing all of it out of fear for his life.

It’s complete and utter bullshit. We all know he did it. He did every…single…despicable thing. He swindled millions of dollars from unsuspecting clients with Swank. When Swank wanted to turn himself in, Christopher hired someone to kill him. He almost choked Andrea to death, making her flee for her life. He sent the same man who killed Swank after her, and he set her apartment on fire. Thank God the hitman isn’t particularly good at his job.

After all those failed attempts, Christopher showed up in Fraser to get rid of Andrea himself! He nearly killed her at the café. Had I not hit him with a sheet pan, causing him to barely miss shooting her in the chest, she likely would have died that day.

This man is guilty as sin, and I pray the court sees it.

Even after all that bullshit and after Christopher was locked up, the poor excuse for a hitman came after Addy. He abducted and held her for ransom because Christopher never paid him like the little weasel he is.

Only Christopher would be low enough to hire a hitman and then sink even lower by not paying him for doing his dirty work.

My blood boils just thinking about that slimy fucker. I hope he gets everything he deserves and then some. There’s no way he can get out of this, but it still makes me sick to have to sit and listen to him try. Especially when I consider how Andrea and Addy must feel. The lies and deceit pouring from his lawyer’s mouth must have their stomachs roiling.

This experience would make me hate lawyers entirely if it wasn’t for the too-sexy-for-his-own-good, broody, grumpy-ass man I seem to have developed a fondness for, walking right beside me. I chance a glance over at Andrew, still angry, but more intrigued than anything else.

He looks over and catches me watching him. I own it and smirk as I head into the restaurant ahead of him. He sighs, like he doesn’t know what to do with me.

Andrew, Andrew, Andrew, you have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into with me. I’m going to turn your world upside down and then right it again.

We all take a seat. I’m careful to choose the one across and to the right of him on the end. It gives him the distance he thinks he wants while allowing him the ability to see me like I know he wants. Andrea and Jack take the two empty seats on my other side. Andrew, Nathan, and Addy all sit across from us. The table is quiet as we look through the menu.

Everyone is trying to absorb the clusterfuck that is the Christopher Gates’ trial. It’s hard for me to listen to, so I can’t imagine what’s going through everyone else’s head. Especially Andrea’s and Addy’s.

It only takes me a moment to figure out what I want. You can never go wrong with a good hamburger and fries. I place my menu on the table, and I feel a certain someone’s eyes on me. When I look up, I find exactly what I suspected. Beautiful eyes focused on me from across the table. A deep, serious expression on his face.

I hold his gaze. The butterflies I normally feel around him flutter around in my stomach. It’s something I should be used to, but it still catches me off guard every time. It’s intense, sometimes welcome, but most of the time, it’s annoying because there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it.

Our eye contact breaks when a server approaches the table. He’s young and handsome with a sleeve of tattoos. I’ve always been drawn to a man who’s a little reckless, covered in tats, and works with his hands.

That’s why being attracted to Andrew has thrown me for a loop. His stuffy suits, perfectly styled hair, and the stick-up-his-ass attitude is so not my thing. However, my vagina doesn’t seem to agree. The soreness lingering from last night as I shift uncomfortably in my chair reminds me of that all over again.

A plan starts to form in my head, one that may be a little crazy but a lot of fun. The Charlie special. Something I’m famous for. The last time we tried one of my plans, Irene about lost her mind. However, some would say it worked because Irene and Joe finally got married.

Irene is a woman I would do anything for, including coming up with a half-baked plan to convince Joe to ask her to marry him. Irene is more than just my boss. She’s a kick-ass woman with a past that could be a Lifetime movie. She and Joe have been together for over thirty years.

Thirty years!

That’s a long-ass time. I scoff, shaking my head. I can’t even fathom it. After years of Joe asking and her turning him down, he refused to ask again when she was finally ready. He said she needed to be sure.

Us girls came up with a plan to drop some hints for him. We did anything we could think of to make sure weddings were at the forefront of his mind. But, as it turned out, he planned on asking all along. He just needed time to pull it together.

All in all, I count it as a success, which means my newly formed plan to make Andrew jealous must work. I mean, I have like a hundred percent success rate here.
