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“Let’s grab lunch,” Andrea says from behind me.

That’s a cold bucket of water dumped on a hot fire. I nearly groan but stop myself. I pull my hand away from Charlie, not wanting anyone to see my attraction to her. She straightens her back, and her eyes look at Andrea, an innocent smile painted on her face. I study her for another moment before turning my attention to Andrea.

“Yeah, let’s go. I’m starving,” I lie.

I’m the farthest thing from hungry. My stomach is still in a knot, but I’ll eat something to keep them from noticing how anxious I am. Charlie is the only distraction that helps. She flanks Andrea on one side, and Jack is on the other as we walk toward the parking lot. Charlie’s perfect ass sways in front of me, taunting me with every step.

We didn’t discuss whether or not we’d tell anyone. Maybe it’s an unspoken rule that we don’t. Then again, we didn’t discuss anything. There wasn’t much time for that. After we ripped our clothes off and fucked like mad, I only stayed until she fell asleep. She doesn’t seem bothered by my leaving, but I am. I wish I’d stayed.

“Andrew, you should just ride with us. The SUV we rented has plenty of room. It doesn’t make sense for you to drive alone,” Adalyn says as she catches up to us.

“I’m sure Charlie won’t mind you squeezing in back with her,” Nathan adds. There’s a tone to his voice that I don’t recognize. I’m unsure if he’s joking or hinting at something he’s noticed between us.

Charlie rolls her eyes and gives an exaggerated huff. “I guess it’s fine.” She crosses her arms, acting put out by the suggestion.

I laugh at her reaction, unable to help myself. After last night, I know without a doubt she wants to be close to me.

Jack’s chuckle draws my attention. “What?” I ask.

He holds his hands up, unwilling to engage. “Not a thing,” he says, continuing to laugh and shaking his head.

Andrea and Adalyn exchange a look, followed by a snicker. Fuck. Apparently, we haven’t hidden our attraction very well. It doesn’t matter. I still refuse to admit to it. They have enough going on. I won’t add “fucking their friend” to the list.

When we get to the SUV, I open the back door and motion for Charlie to go ahead. “Ladies first.”

I really just want to see her ass one more time before she sits. She gives me a look but climbs in anyway. Good girl.

“Find me a lady, and I’ll let her go first,” she mutters as she sits on the passenger side of the backseat.

I let out a bark of laughter at that. I climb in and sit on the opposite side of the seat from her. It takes some effort, but I stare out the window so I don’t get another boner before we make it to lunch.

During the drive, our thighs touch with each turn. The need to touch her almost overwhelms me, but I refrain. I promise myself I’ll tell her the first opportunity I get that last night can’t happen again.

As much as it pains me to even think about saying those words to her, we can’t go down this road. It’ll only lead to messy feelings and broken hearts. Mine included. I’m not good enough for her. She deserves someone whole, a guy who isn’t carrying around so much baggage.

She’s too much, too intoxicating. My breath hitches when her hand slides further over, brushing against me. I glance up to make sure no one in front of us is paying any attention before glancing back down as her delicate hand runs over my hardening cock. I fight a groan.

I can’t do this here. Not right now. Not with her.

Taking her hand, I link our fingers together as I gently guide her hand back to her lap. I shift uncomfortably from the growing erection and rejecting her advance. I don’t want to hurt her.

I give one reassuring squeeze of my hand before releasing hers and placing mine back on my lap. She looks over, confusion and disbelief written on her every feature.

I should have spoken to her by now. I should have said more, but I fucked up. Like I always do. To add insult to injury, I pull out my phone and pretend to check emails, ignoring the one woman I haven’t been able to keep off my mind for months. I succeed in doing the one thing I never want to do.

Hurting her feelings.

Way to go, dick.

Chapter Four


I shouldn’t be surprised. Honestly, I’m more upset at myself for feeling hurt than I am at him. I should have known better. Andrew has never hidden that he’s a grumpy asshole. But I not-so-secretly love that part of him. I find it more attractive than I should.

His sisters have hinted at the two of us being a couple damn near since the first day we met. I’ve always laughed it off, and they seemed to have dropped it recently. Maybe they just didn’t want to push. But I haven’t stopped thinking about it.

Every time I’m around him my heart rate kicks up, and my breaths become deeper. He smells so good, and all I ever want is to smell him. Especially when he has me on edge like that, the apex between my thighs growing wetter just from his presence. Weird, I know, but what can I say? I’m a weirdo wrapped in a little bit of crazy. There’s never a dull moment in my head.
