Page 120 of Unburdening His Heart

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“Let’s do it.”

She jerks back suddenly as a breathtaking smile spreads across her face.

She squeals. “Really?!”

I laugh, my smile almost as big as hers. “Yes, really. Let’s get married tomorrow.”

She bounces on the bed and claps with joy. She jumps off the bed and runs toward the hallway.

“Where are you going? Get back here, woman!” I call out with a laugh.

I gingerly sit up in the bed, still careful to not move too fast. I’m unable to follow her as quickly as I’d like. Everything is still sore from the accident, but it’s getting better and better every day. I have Charlie to thank for that. She’s been here every step of my recovery and every appointment. The doctors say I’ll hurt for a few more weeks, but I should be thankful my injuries weren’t worse.

We’ve cried, laughed, and screamed for joy when Malcom’s arrest came just a few days ago. There was a lingering fear that he would somehow get away with everything plaguing us until the FBI called to confirm the indictment.

Charlie has been my rock through it all. Thankful isn’t even close to what I feel about having my family back, Charlie at my side, and Malcom behind bars. I’m eternally indebted to every single person who helped us get here.

I turn into my office as I hear her typing away on the keyboard. Her face is pinched with concentration, and I don’t think she realizes I’m leaning on the doorframe with my arms and ankles crossed. I’m entranced by how angelic she looks in her thin, hunter green silk nightgown. Her eyes are slightly squinted, like if she takes her gaze off the screen for even a second, she might lose her place. Her bottom lip is tucked under her top teeth, and I find it adorable.

I uncross my arms and legs and walk toward her. She finally looks up, and pure excitement radiates from her body. My goodness, she fucking blows me away. I walk behind her, leaning down to place my hands on either side of her as my nose goes to the crook of her neck.

“Where are we getting married, wife?”

She shivers at the use of the word wife, and as I look up at the computer screen, I see her booking two plane tickets from Sacramento to…


I laugh and wrap her in my arms, pulling her close to my chest as I place my mouth by her ear. “I should have known my fiery redhead,” who is more spontaneous than I can handle sometimes, I don’t say as I pause to kiss her cheek, “…would want to get married in sin city.”

She shivers once more as she pats my forearm. Her voice becomes sugary sweet. “Maybe we can book a special themed hotel room, husband.” She winks as she adds, “And a chapel with the best Elvis impersonator to marry us.”

She turns with such a genuine, radiant smile on her face that I couldn’t tell her no even if I wanted to, and I don’t. A full belly laugh leaves my chest at her response, and she falls into a fit of giggles right alongside me.

She brings out all the best parts of me, and I wouldn’t change a fucking thing about our story. It’s uniquely ours, and it all started with a damn sheet pan.

“Book it, wife.”

“On it, big man.”



“Madam Foreperson, has the jury reached a unanimous decision?” Judge Pierce’s booming voice demands the attention of every person sitting in this courtroom.

“We have, Your Honor,” the blonde juror says confidently.

The judge turns toward Christopher. “Christopher Gates, please rise for the reading of the jury’s verdicts.”

Christopher is still the same smug bastard he’s always been. He takes his time to lazily button his designer suit jacket. He stands with his head held high, looking down his nose at the foreperson like he doesn’t have a care in the world. Like he thinks he might get out of this.

Charlie, Adalyn, Nathan, Jack, Andrea, and I take up an entire row in the courtroom. Each of us holds the hand of the person next to us. Andrea has one hand resting on her very pregnant belly and the other tightly wrapped in Jack’s hand.

She found out she was pregnant almost immediately after their honeymoon. It was the happiest surprise our family has had in quite some time. She’ll be an amazing mother; I have no doubt. I wasn’t sure if she should be here today in her condition, just in case things don’t go as we pray they will. She insisted and said she wouldn’t miss this day for anything. Seeing Malcom and Christopher brought to justice is everything we’ve been fighting for.

The foreperson’s eyes are locked on Christopher as she unfolds the paper in her hand. Looking down, she reads, “On count one of the indictments—money laundering—we, the jury, find the defendant guilty.”

Christopher’s face turns to stone, with no further expression or reaction.
