Page 119 of Unburdening His Heart

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She lets it fall from her arms as she leans back on my thighs. She sets a slow, steady rhythm with her hips, and it drives me absolutely wild. It’s been too long, and we’ve spent too many nights separated from each other.

“Lift up, baby, so I can take your shorts off.”

She stands and takes a couple of small steps away from me. She shimmies her hips enough for her unbuttoned shorts to slide down her long legs, then steps out of them with a grace that only turns me on more.

“Is this okay?”

She stops for a second, most likely worried about how I’m feeling. I can’t even put into words how much I want this. How much I want her.

“Get your sweet ass over here,” I say as I shift to push my sweatpants down to my thighs, not bothering to take them any further before I pull her on top of me.

I’m grateful they loaded me up on IV pain medication before I left the hospital. It has me right in a place where I’m hurting like hell, but not so bad I can’t take care of the woman of my dreams. I can deal with it. I’m happy to deal with it.

She lands with a soft thump, her legs spread wide on either side of my thighs. I grab her behind her knees and pull her forward. I look into her gorgeous green eyes. They’ve always seen me just as I am.

I sink inch by inch into her hot, wet center and groan from the relief of being back inside her after so long. I vow here and now that I will never spend a night away from her again. No matter what, I will find a way to lay my head beside hers every night. Even if that means walking away from my life here in Sacramento. It’s time for a change. It’s time to go after my own dreams and make hers come true along the way.

We set a slow, passionate pace. Something we can both keep up with and just focus on enjoying one another’s bodies. I listen to every sharp intake of her breath as I feel every inch of my dick glide inside her. Her skin pebbles, breaking out in goosebumps under my fingers tips as I trail them along her back and around to her bouncing breasts.

She rides me slowly, then her speed picks up like she just can’t stand the enticing and tantalizing pace anymore. Then she slows again to long, lazy strokes just moments later.

I fucking love watching her red hair fall behind her as she leans back on my thighs to ride my cock. I love how her mouth makes this perfect little O when I stroke just the right spot in her greedy little pussy that belongs only to me. I love how she sighs every time I lean forward to pull one of her nipples into my mouth.

But what I love the most?

That’s easy. It’s that she’s all fucking mine, and that’s exactly what I whisper in her ear as I feel her pussy constrict around my cock. I steadily pump into her as we ride out her orgasm.

The moment she whispers back, “I’m all yours, baby,” I follow right behind her, spilling into her.

Chapter Thirty-Four


“What if we get married tomorrow?”

I run my hands through Charlie’s hair as a chuckle leaves my lips. “Tomorrow?”

She leans up on my now bare chest as her eyebrows quirk in challenge. “Yeah, tomorrow. I don’t want to wait.”

The seriousness in her expression has my chuckle dying down. “Is that really what you want? Just us?”

I always thought she’d want to have the girls and her parents around and to have a big wedding in Fraser. I should’ve known my girl likes to keep me on my toes and guessing.

“No, I don’t need or want any of that. I want it to just be us, and I’m done waiting.”

Then I chuckle again. “Waiting? I just asked you a couple of weeks ago!” My chuckle turns into a full belly laugh.

We’re in my bed with the TV on, but the volume is low. We’ve lain here for hours, talking and laughing. We’ve enjoyed the quiet and peace after all the shit that happened, not only in the past few weeks but the past decade for me.

There is lightness where I used to feel a heavy, suffocating weight on my chest. I’m so damn happy that I would marry this woman right here, in my underwear with only our promises to each other binding us. That’s all I need. That’s all I want.

“So, sue me. I just want to be married to you. I don’t need the big wedding and all the fuss. I know everyone will understand. Maybe we’ll have a reception in Fraser when you’re well enough to travel.”

“Baby, we can do it whenever you want, however you want. I just want to make sure you are happy and have the wedding of your dreams.” The last thing I want is to fail her like I’ve failed Andrea and Addy over the years. I want all her dreams to come true.

She reaches up and runs her hand along the stubble of my too-long beard. “All I need is you. The rest of the world can wait.”

Her words fill a hole in my heart that I didn’t know was there. She fills me to the brim with a love, happiness, and contentment that I didn’t know was possible. I lean forward and take her lips. My tongue darts into her mouth as I kiss her slowly. I could live in this moment with her forever.
