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The server comes over, and we all order drinks. As soon as the server is out of ear shot, Andrea says, “What the hell happened between you two?”

I nearly swallow my tongue. I never would have expected her to ask so boldly. Especially in front of everyone. I remain quiet, looking at Charlie since playing nice was her idea.

Charlie casually says, “Your brother is a dick,” with a shrug of her shoulders.

Jack stifles a laugh, and Andrea swats his arm. I wish I could say I’m surprised by her statement, but I’m not. Andrea doesn’t have a chance to respond.

The server comes back, placing everyone’s drinks down before taking our food orders. Everyone keeps it simple with their choices, ordering different types of gyros with fries as a side. Charlie even manages to keep her tits in her shirt and orders without batting her eyelashes. I still want to punish her for what she did earlier. Punish and worship, a fine fucking line.

“Andrew,” Andrea says flatly, as soon as the server is gone again. She gives me a look, imploring me to explain.

“You heard Charlotte. I’m a dick.” I shrug like Charlie did. I mean, she’s not wrong.

“Charlotte?” Addy repeats, raising her eyebrows.

Charlie stomps my foot under the table. I try to not make a face, but it hurt. Nathan covers his mouth but fails to stop his laugh from escaping.

“No one is disputing that,” Andrea says with a chuckle, “but what did you do, specifically?” She’s like a dog with a bone now, probing for an answer. Neither Charlie nor I answer her question. Neither of us are willing to lie, but we’re okay refusing to respond. Andrea stares at us both, alternating looking us each in the eye before letting out an exaggerated sigh. “Fine. Keep your secrets.”

She pokes her bottom lip out at Charlie. Charlie sticks her tongue out in response.

Jack clears his throat, breaking the tension. “It’ll be nice to be home for a little bit. We won’t need to fly back out here until we’re needed to testify, right?”

“I mean you could come visit your future brother-in-law,” I start, with a smile, “but for the trial, yeah, just for testimony.”

They all have lives to get back to, and Andrea already said she doesn’t have to be here every day to know the fucker is guilty. They all plan to watch it on live TV. This is a high-profile case, and thankfully, Christopher’s lawyers were unsuccessful in getting it blocked from public view.

There is a sick sense of relief knowing he’ll never be able to hide from his crimes anymore, no matter the outcome of all of this. All his dirty little secrets will come to light and very publicly.

That’s part of the reason Andrea and Addy don’t want to stay. The news media is insane around the trial. There’s nowhere in this city they can have peace, and even Fraser is questionable. They can watch it all from home and simply return for their testimonies.

I support their decision, and I don’t blame them. This trial is likely to become a three-ring circus.

“I would come more, but I hear he’s a real dick,” Nathan says with a bark of laughter.

Adalyn hides her face, laughing. I can’t help but laugh with them. It’s been one hell of a day; laughter is needed and welcome, even if it’s at my own expense.

When the server comes back with our food, the table falls silent with the exception of the occasional “mmm” as we eat. The food is fantastic. I see why Andrea and Adalyn wanted to eat here before they head back home to Fraser.

My eyes wander to Charlie, and I try to not stare. I don’t want to get caught admiring her. I know her willingness to “play nice” is for Andrea’s benefit, not mine. I can appreciate that she cares for Andrea enough to do that for her, and I hope I can smooth things over eventually.

However, it doesn’t look like today will be that day. They fly out in a couple of hours, and I’ll be on my own again. Well, until dinner with my parents rolls back around. I groan at that thought.

“What are you over there groaning about?” Adalyn asks between bites.

I didn’t realize anyone heard me. “Family dinner with Mom and Malcom. Even thinking about it brings that reaction.”

“You guys are still doing that?” Andrea asks, seemingly surprised it didn’t stop when she and Adalyn moved, and Christopher was arrested.

“Oh, no. Every week, per usual. And it’s just the three of us now.” I roll my eyes.

“I can’t get use to you calling Dad Malcom. I don’t understand what happened or changed between you two.”

She knows our relationship has been strained for the last couple of months. I cut her a look. She doesn’t know the things I’ve found out about dear ol’ Dad in the last several months. It’s not time to tell her yet; not until I have enough information. He’s not quite the upstanding guy we always believed he was. He’s not the man I admired growing up.

My chest tightens at the thought of how much things have changed.

I don’t respond to her comment, pleading with my eyes to drop it.

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