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“Do you think they’ll show up at all?” she asks instead.

Addy looks between the two of us, waiting for my answer.

I shrug my shoulders. “I think Malcom is trying to separate himself as much as possible from Christopher. He doesn’t want this to sour his reputation any more than it already is.” Disgust and anger roil in my gut.

“How could they not come support us, though?” Addy asks, disappointment clear in her voice.

We all know the answer to that without having to say it out loud. Our parents are too powerful and money hungry to let the shit stain that is Christopher Gates taint any part of their precious lives. The media has already torn their relationship apart, throwing out accusations that my dad knew about Christopher’s schemes.

What my sisters don’t know is that there may be some merit to that. But I’m unwilling to risk their safety or sanity until I know for sure. Until I have what I need.

“How long do you think it’ll last?” Addy asks to change the subject.

“This one could take a while because of the sheer amount of evidence. It doesn’t help that Christopher hired top-notch defense lawyers. They’re going to throw the book at this to try to get him off. All of that takes time.” A worried look overtakes her face, so I hurry to finish. “That doesn’t mean he will get off, Addy. It means they’re going to give it their best. Trust me. We’ve got this,” I say in my most convincing tone. I don’t want them to worry, but I know that’s an impossible thing to ask.

The rest of dinner is quiet as a sense of worry settles over the table. There isn’t much else I can say. No matter how much I think we have this in the bag, things can change on a dime.

When everyone is finished, I pay the bill, and we walk out to the parking lot to say our goodbyes. I hug my sisters and step back to look them in the eyes.

“I love you both. I know things are scary, and we don’t really know what will happen, but I’m confident. And I think you both know me well enough to know I’d never say that if I didn’t mean it. We will get through this, and all of us will be stronger for it.”

I hope in time they’ll see me as the brother I was before everything went to hell. I’m trying hard to be that man again, but it’s a lot of darkness to overcome.

Addy reaches out to squeeze my hand. “I love you, Brother. Thank you for being here for us.”

I only give a small smile in response as she steps out of the way.

“I second that,” Andrea says. “Thank you. It means a lot to have you here with us.”

I know she doesn’t just mean here as in Sacramento or even for the trial. She knows I’ve been absent as a brother, and without a doubt, I know she means she’s glad to have me back as that. Which warms my heart. I just hope it stays that way once everything is out in the open, and she knows everything. Her trust has been slow to grow, and I don’t want to lose it. I can’t stand the thought of losing either one of my sisters.

Lost in my thoughts, I turn to shake Jack’s hand and then Nathan’s. Absentmindedly, I thank them both for their support. Not only with my sisters, but for me, too. They’re both stand up guys, and they look after Andrea and Addy as well as I would.

“Give Sophia my love,” I tell Adalyn.

Her smile is bright. She knows I’ve never been great with kids, but that little girl has stolen my heart. She’s as sweet as she is sassy. A mirror image of Adalyn’s personality at that age.

Charlie walks over to me, and I half expect her to stomp my foot again. Instead, she reaches up to hug me bye. I pull her tight against me and whisper, “Forgive me,” in her ear.

She replies with a quiet, “Mmhmm,” as she releases me. We realize everyone has their eyes on us now. I don’t get a chance to react before Charlie holds up her finger, pointing it at everyone. “Not a word.” That gains a few giggles, but to my surprise, no one comments.

The walk to my car feels more like a walk of sadness. Everyone I love is boarding a plane heading away from here. Sometimes I wish I could pick up and go on a whim, but my life is here in Sacramento. It’s not much of a life as much as it is my career.

I’ve spent my entire adult life prosecuting criminals, all the while secretly protecting one closest to me. I know when everything is done with the trials, my own reputation will be at stake. But if that’s what it takes to get justice for Adalyn and Andrea, then it’s worth the sacrifice. Maybe that’ll be what I need to make a new start for myself somewhere away from here.

I drive home in a daze, thinking of Charlie and wondering if she’s really forgiven me. I can’t blame her if she hasn’t. She’s right. I’m a dick, and I hate myself for what I did. When I pull into my spot, I hop out and head up to my apartment. It’s time to resume my own investigation into Malcom Shaw.

Inside, I grab the bourbon and a glass and take them into my office. Leaving them on my desk, I go into my bedroom and change into sweats and a T-shirt. Once I’m back in my office, I pour myself a double, open my laptop, and turn on my extra screens. I’ll need plenty of room to digitally spread out my evidence.

I’ve been working on this off and on for about a year. My dad’s hands are much dirtier than I ever expected. My fear is that I’ll find far worse on him than I already have. I down my bourbon, slap my palms together, and give them a rub. Here we go.

I open the files I already have saved. Bank statements, phone records, and pictures of Malcom and Christopher together in various locations. I don’t have enough to nail him…yet…but I will. I enlisted the help of a trusted a private investigator to follow Malcom after the way he reacted to Andrea’s disappearance. Or lack of reaction, I should say. He was almost indifferent. He was more upset when Christopher was arrested than he was at his own daughter being missing.

My blood boils, and my stomach twists as I picture my father’s face, smug bastard.

“She’ll turn up. You know how emotional she can be.” That was his reaction to his daughter going missing. Real fucking stand-up guy.

I pour myself another double and knock it back. The burn feels so good.
