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Andrew Shaw

After hitting send, I shut everything down and lean back in my office chair. I blow out a frustrated breath. I thought having dirt on Morales would give me a little peace, but it doesn’t. I blame my frustration on the trial, and part of it is, but the bulk of my frustration lies with a fiery redhead I can’t get off my mind. And worse, out of my heart.

“What the fuck have you done now, Andrew?”

I must be insane to lust after my sister’s best friend. Is it just lust, though? It doesn’t matter. She doesn’t want to be with me. She told me that flat out the last time I saw her. I don’t want anything serious, anyway. I mean, I would for Charlie, but not with anyone else. I have too much going on to start something serious with anyone else. She understands exactly what my life is like right now, because hers is much the same.

It’s nearly midnight, so I decide I should at least try to sleep. Looking at things through fresh eyes tomorrow will help. It always does.

My leg bounces up and down, and my stomach dips with the plane’s descent to the runway. My head rests on the seat headrest. I tried to get a quick catnap, but before I knew it, the pilot was announcing our arrival.

I palm my phone in my hand, looking at it for the hundredth time in five minutes. Do I call her? Send a text that I’m in town? My head hurts from playing out every scenario in my mind, trying to wade through the murkiness of what’s right and what’s wrong. I know I shouldn’t contact her, but that doesn’t diminish this burning feeling I have to reach out to her.

“Sir, can you put your tray in the upright position? We’ll be landing soon.”

“Sorry.” I push the tray up and lock it in place.

My mind is too focused on what happens once I step off this plane. This is the first time I’ve been in town since we hooked up back in Sacramento. I’m on her turf, and I feel off balance.

I’m distracted for the next twenty minutes with landing, disembarking, and getting to my luggage. I’m carrying my backpack with my laptop, and I hurry to retrieve my bag from the conveyor belt before hurrying to the car rental desk. I quickly pull up my reservation, suddenly bone deep tired and ready to be at my hotel.

It’s too late to go straight to Jack and Andrea’s. Plus, she doesn’t know I’m in town yet. So, I plan to stay at a hotel for one night before meeting Jack at his house in the morning.

It isn’t until I’m in the rental, making the little under two-hour drive from Denver to Fraser that I think about Charlie again. The need to call her is overwhelming. My fingers tingle as I reach for my phone. Hitting her name, I sit back and wait.

“Andrew? Are you here?” Her sweet, husky voice instantly calms me.

“Almost, I’m in the car driving from Denver.”

“How was the flight?” I can hear the slight smile in her voice.

“It was fine. I wish I could have slept, but my mind wouldn’t shut down long enough for me to. Hell, I don’t think I’ve slept more than a few hours this whole week.”

She’s silent for a second, then says, “Me, either. This whole thing has me tore up.” Her voice sounds shaky and off. My heart instantly jumps into my throat.

“It’ll be okay. I won’t let him get away with this.”

“I know you won’t, but he’ll cause so much damage in his descent to hell. How is she ever going to be okay after this?” Her voice breaks at the end of her sentence.

Damnit, I wish I was there with her so I could wrap her up in my arms.

“She’s strong; she always has been. And now she has Jack, you, Irene, and Addy.”

“And who do you have?”

Her question catches me off guard. I know I have my sisters, but they’re happy and thriving here in Fraser, and I’m… What? Just going through the motions of life? Filled with resentment and anger? I don’t know how to answer her question, but I know down to the core of my being that I want to be able to say her. That I have her.

“Can I see you?” Apprehension fills me as I ask.

She sucks in a sharp breath, and the line is quiet for too long. I brace myself for her to turn me down. I expect it. I deserve it. However, I’m shocked as hell when she doesn’t.

“Yes, I’ll send you my address. Drive safe.”

The line disconnects before I can respond, my pulsing thumping loudly in my ears. Holy shit, I get to see Charlie tonight!

I pull up to her place. It’s a small, two-story complex. It seems well taken care of, even though it’s a bit older. I put the car in park, and sit here for a second. I know I probably shouldn’t do this, but the pull to go to her is too strong to ignore. I blow out a breath and look in the rear-view mirror before running a hand through my hair. It’s a mess, and I do my best to get the wayward waves to lay down.

I get out of the car, deciding that no matter how much I shouldn’t be doing this, I just don’t care. I want her. I need her. It’s as simple as that.

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