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“No buts. It’s just for a few days. Just until I can get there. Okay?” His tone softens.

I take a second to think about it before agreeing. “Okay,” I whisper. As much as I hate it, I know this way is probably best. If we can give her a plan, a small glimmer of hope to light the dark path, then that’s what we will do. “Do you need me to do anything else?”

“No, baby. Just keep her away from the papers and any news stations on TV, and I’ll see you soon.”

I release a quiet, resigned sigh. “Okay.” We only exchange a few more words before we say our goodbyes.

I collapse fully on the couch. My mind is spinning over what hell awaits my best friend and then it turns to her brother.

I never know from one day to the next which version of Andrew I’ll get. Both versions are grumpy assholes, but some days he seems like he wants me, maybe even needs me. Other days, he pushes me away. I know no matter which version of him it is, I want him.

I want him more than any other man I’ve ever been with. Not just physically, although the sex is fucking amazing. I want all of him. I want to heal the parts of him that are broken, the parts I know exist because of the pain I see in his eyes.

I told him a half-truth when I said I didn’t want anything serious. The truth is, I don’t want anything serious with anyone else. If Andrew wants to be with me exclusively, I will commit to him without a second thought. However, he’s not ready to hear that, and I’m not ready to tell him. Until we’re ready, I guess I’ll hang on to this yo-yo relationship we have.

The single serve cake suddenly seems like a bad idea because my stomach can’t take anything right now. Between knowing I have to steer Andrea clear of the news for the next few days and trying to sort Andrew out, I feel a bit nauseated.

After turning on the TV, I find my favorite reality show, but I pay little attention to what is actually happening. My mind is too busy running through every possible scenario that could happen over the next several days.

When I realize I’ve sat here while partly watching TV and partly staring into space, I decide to give up and go to bed. Sleep doesn’t come easily because my thoughts keep me awake. I toss and turn for what seems like hours before darkness finally comes for me.

Chapter Nine


Lying in bed, thoughts swirl in my mind. I’m trying to come up with the best plan of attack to break apart Christopher’s defense. But the sound of Charlie’s unsure “okay” with my plan so far continues to distract me. I never thought she would submit to me so easily, at least, outside of the bedroom.

I squeeze my eyes shut, roll over, and punch my pillow. I never foresaw Christopher trying to spin this on Andrea, and it having a snowball’s chance in hell. I thought the video and audio evidence would make this a slam dunk case. I should have known that slimy motherfucker would try something like this.

I’ll call my private investigator first thing in the morning and get him to dig into Christopher’s witness. If I can discredit him, that’s a start. He looked too uncomfortable in that suit, and his body language was strange on the stand. It was more than nerves. He’s lying, and I plan to prove it.

Getting back out of bed, I go into my office. I need to go back through the evidence I’ve compiled. Maybe the witness is there somewhere, and I overlooked him because I didn’t know I needed to be looking.

After firing up the laptop, I go straight to the airline’s website to book a flight out of here Wednesday night. Come hell or high water, I’ll fix my schedule to make it work. The earliest available flight out to Colorado is nine p.m. I book it, relief flooding through me as soon as I click the finalize button. I’m ready to be out of here, surrounded by the people I love, and a special someone that haunts my dreams.

Once that’s done, I open my browser. I’ll do a simple Google search for his name first. I type “Anthony Morales Sacramento, CA” in the search engine and wait for it to pull up the results. Within seconds, there are links and photos of the man I saw on witness stand all over my screen. I click through links and find several public records of this shady guy’s background.

I turn on my other screens. I’ll need them to spread this information out and organize what I need. Morales has a lengthy record, including being held in contempt of court for perjuring himself on the stand under oath.

“Well, that’s interesting.”

I open an email to my PI and attach the link to that story in the email. I also attach images of the shady bastard so my PI can try to get more information on him.

After pulling up all the images I saved from the PI, I comb through them. Maybe Morales in them. I hope he is. Most of what I see is image after image of Malcom at meetings with various possible criminal connections.

Zooming in on each picture, I try to make out faces in the background, faces that appear out of place nearby. Nothing. Frustration is quickly creeping in. I thought it would be easy to find something from the evidence I already have. Unfortunately, it’s a little harder than previously anticipated.

That is… until I get to the last picture. It’s from the most recent email I have from my PI.

The first time I looked at this picture, I didn’t see that someone is in the car. It’s parked beside where Malcom and Christopher’s attorney stood while exchanging the envelope. I zoom in, hoping I can make out the face.

I slam my fist down on my desk. “Got you, you lying son of a bitch!” I save the cropped image as I copy and attach it to the email to the PI.

That piece of shit was likely paid off by Malcom. He’s paying Christopher’s attorney so it’s no surprise. At least I have proof of his involvement. It’s not time to blow the whistle on Malcom just yet, so I’ll keep this information between my PI and me for now.

I quickly add text to the body of the email.

Get what you can on this guy, too. He’s testifying on Christopher’s behalf, making up lies about Andrea. He needs to be stopped.
