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“I’ll get it,” Jack’s says in the background.

I listen to his shoes pad across the floor. The creak of the front door and the voices of several people asking questions along with the clicks of cameras narrate everything being done without me seeing anything. Bastards.

“You weren’t kidding about the press. I had to shove my way through.” SJ’s booming voice comes over the line now. He made it, thankfully.

“Come in,” Jack tells him. The front door closes, and the click of the lock echoes through the phone.

“I have Charlie on the phone. I’m explaining my plan to still have the engagement party Sunday without the press hounding everyone,” Andrew explains to SJ.

Andrea is who responds. “I’m not crazy about the idea. I don’t want Charlie to be bait. I’ve done that, and we all know how that turned out.” There’s a significant level of concern in her voice.

No one will be trying to shoot her this time, though. Not that we really thought Christopher would try to shoot her before. We were in a public place. I guess we didn’t really understand or realize how unhinged he really is.

SJ steps in since security is the topic of conversation. “Tell me the plan. We can ensure Charlie’s safety. That’s my job…to keep everyone safe.”

Andrew recounts the details he just told Jack, Andrea, and me.

“That’s not a bad plan. I can escort Charlie into town while she’s imitating Andrea. When the reporters follow us, the three of you can head over to Adalyn’s,” SJ responds.

“I plan to escort Charlie. Wouldn’t it be better for you to be with Andrea?” Andrew blurts again.

It’s very unlike him to sound even a little bit rattled. I snicker at his moody response.

SJ chuckles, and I’m sure Andrew doesn’t like that. “I think it’ll be more believable if they think they see Andrea being escorted by me since I’ve been hired to protect her.”

SJ’s point is valid and makes more sense than Andrew escorting me. Even if I would rather be with Andrew, this isn’t about us. This is about making sure Andrea and Jack’s engagement party goes off without a hitch.

With an exasperated sigh, Andrew relents and agrees to SJ’s version of the plan.

“That’s that then. We just need to get Charlie a wig,” Jack chimes in.

I smile. “Oh, I have wigs, hats, and sunglasses. I’m sure I can throw something together.”

I never miss a chance to dress up as a sexy version of any female character. I have a trunk of Halloween costumes from over the years. I’m sure I have a wig that will be near the color of Andrea’s hair. Toss it into a ponytail and slap it under a hat. The press will be none the wiser.

“Thanks, Charlie. I’ll owe you big time for this!” Andrea’s voice moves closer to the phone again.

“I’m happy to do it, bestie. You don’t owe me a thing.” I’d do anything to help her get through this shit with Christopher.

“What about work tomorrow, Andrea?” Getting her there will be the only challenge. Irene won’t allow any reporters in the café to harass her.

“I’ll be there. I’m not missing work or stopping my life. Let them watch and report. I don’t care. I’ve done nothing wrong.”

I love that answer. “See you tomorrow. Love you, bestie!” Everyone says goodbye, and I end the call.

A few seconds later a text from Andrew comes through.

Andrew: Thank you. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.

His simple words give me butterflies. Truthfully, I can’t wait to see him, either.

When I notice the time, I toss my phone on the sofa and head into my bedroom to change into pajamas. It’s time to call it a night. It’s already late, and I have to be up early to open the café. Andrew floats throughout my thoughts as I drift off to sleep, and I find myself hoping he’ll visit me in my dreams.

Chapter Fifteen


Jack, Andrea, SJ, and I talked for a while about the decoy plan for Sunday after hanging up with Charlie. It seems almost too simple to work, kind of like something being too good to be true, but the reporters will likely fall for it.
