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You’d think they would’ve caught on by now that the Shaw's aren’t attention whores and aren’t interested in fifteen minutes of fame. We want this bullshit over as quickly as possible. We just want to live our lives in peace, which seems to be asking too much lately.

Having a gaggle of people outside waiting to catch a glimpse of any one of us doesn’t sit right with me. I’ve turned off the lights and TV in the living room. Sitting in the dark makes it easier to hide a bit if I pull the curtain back to look out.

It’s ridiculous they don’t even relent in the middle of the night. What do they think they’re going to see at this hour?

The house is quiet and dark. I’m the last one still awake. I pull a chair over by the window to sit and watch them. Some appear to be reporting live. I have no idea how any of it could possibly be interesting. Are they reporting they’re standing in front of a dark, quiet house on a residential street in the middle of the night…for no reason?


I let the curtain fall closed and rake my hands through my hair. What a mess I’ve made of all our lives. I’m trying my best to make it right. I just hope my sisters don’t hate me when I have to reveal the truth. I worry they’re not yet ready to accept it. I’ve had time to accept it and see people for who they really are.

We’ve worked hard on our relationships over the last several months. Things have improved more than I could have hoped for, more than I deserve. They’ve been patient with me when it comes to explaining things that have happened and why I’ve made the choices that I have over the years. However, I know the time is coming that they’ll want answers, real answers. And with Christopher’s trial, I won’t have a choice but to give them to them.

I know they can’t fully grasp the severity of the situation because they don’t know the details. There’re details I wish I could forget. No, not forget. I wish I could go back and change my decision from the one night that altered the path my life was on. The ripple effect has spread to my sisters and now to the people they’ve fallen in love with. I’ll never be able to forgive myself, but I’ll do whatever it takes to make it right.

Footsteps come up the hallway, but it’s too dark to see who’s walked into the living room with me.

“They’re still hoping to get a shot.” SJ’s voice is deep and low. It doesn’t sound like he’s been to sleep. He makes his way over to the window, opening the curtain on the opposite side of where I sit.

“Yeah. They should be digging into Morales or following Christopher’s crooked fucking attorney around instead of camping out here.” I realize what I let slip, but it’s too late.

SJ allows the curtain to fall closed and turns to face me. My eyes have adjusted to the darkness enough to make him out from this distance.

“What do you know about Christopher’s attorney?”

I mentally kick myself. I must be out of my mind to let that slip. Most everything about Morales is fair game, but not Christopher’s attorney. That’s too close to the truth about Malcom.

I clear my throat, my mind scrambling to come up with something. I don’t want to lie to SJ. I respect him immensely, but I don’t think he should know these things before my sisters. I stand and pick up the chair I was sitting in before setting it back in its place.

“Not a lot. I just mean anyone who would defend someone so blatantly guilty must be crooked, too.” That’s such a weak response.

SJ chuckles. He knows the answer is bullshit. I’m normally very direct and to the point. I know SJ won’t fall for that line.

“Alright, Shaw. We can pin that for now. What about Morales? What’s his story?”

I spend the next couple of minutes going through what Jack and I found on Morales. Though we don’t have enough to put him behind bars, we do have enough to create doubt about what he said on the stand. I explained the call Jack made to his brother Colton, but I didn’t go into detail about the impact calling him had on Jack. I told SJ it’s a last resort that Jack felt was necessary.

I want to see Morales put behind bars for perjury over the lies he told about Andrea. I don’t doubt we can make that happen before it’s all said and done. For now, our best hope is Colton gets him to recant his testimony.

“I can tell by some of your non-answers there’s more going on than what’s being said. I won’t press you about it because that’s not my job, but I need you to agree to tell me anything that’s going on that could potentially affect me being able to do my job properly.” SJ’s voice is even, but I know what he’s getting at.

He boarded a plane at a moment’s notice with almost no information so he could be here for my sisters and me. I know I owe him the truth. What I don’t know is how many people need to have the information I have before it’s time to blow it all wide open.

“I understand what you’re saying. I do. I won’t hold anything back that’s relevant to what’s going on in the moment. I’ll tell you the same thing I told Jack. I just can’t spill everything right now. There’s more going on than what meets the eye, and when it all comes out, it’ll likely devastate people. My sisters mostly.”

I pause, allowing him to process what I just said. SJ is smart, and he’s been around questionable characters in his line of work. Much like Jack, I don’t doubt he puts things together more than he lets on.

“Just keep my sisters safe. When it’s time, you’ll know everything, too.” I stand, deciding I need to sleep at least a few hours.

SJ holds out his hand for me to shake, and I take it. “I’ll keep you all safe. Don’t doubt that.”

He isn’t the type to say things he doesn’t mean or make promises he can’t keep. There’s no doubt in my mind he can keep us safe.

I clap my hand on his back. “Thanks, SJ, for everything.” With a nod, we part ways. He takes a seat on the living room sofa, and I head down the hallway to try to get some sleep.

“Andrew, Andrew!” Jack’s voice wakes me, and there’s urgency in his tone.

I sit up quickly, blinking my eyes to focus. Jack has the bedroom light on. My eyes dart to the window to find no light coming through. It must still be early.
