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Jack takes a seat beside Andrea on the sofa. He plugs the drive from the package into his laptop and waits for it to load. He opens the drive, and we see file folders, images, and several other attachments.

“This is evidence,” Jack murmurs.

Andrea scoots closer, peering over his shoulder. The clicking of Jack’s mouse sounds like tiny little explosions in my head as we watch him open the files. The only thought running through my panicking mind is, no one sends evidence in the mail or by creepy random guys unless they’re afraid. Unless they know something bad is about to happen.

“Evidence of what?” Andrea asks.

My eyes keep finding the writing on my envelope. I run my fingers across the loopy letters, knowing the handwriting is Andrew’s.

I can’t wait any longer, so I slip my finger under the sealed flap. The tearing sound of the paper envelope draws everyone’s attention. Andrea and Adalyn look down at their own envelopes and follow suit.

When I unfold the letter and read the first sentence, my world falls away. I fall to my knees, tears streaming down my face almost instantly. My breath catches in my throat as a wail tries to escape.

My Charlotte,

If you’re reading this, the worst has happened to me. I want to start by apologizing. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you everything. I’m sorry I thought I had to do this on my own. Sitting here now, in my home office, I know you would’ve fought just as hard as I have to expose the truth. I know you would’ve stood by my side every step of the way.

I’m sorry I didn’t let you.

I thought I was too fucked-up to be good for you. You are the brightest light in the darkest of nights. I spent too much time trying to fight against my own feelings. I wasted so much time we could’ve spent together. I’ll spend eternity mulling over that mistake.

Please know beyond anything else, I want you to be happy. Don’t dwell on me or my being gone. Be happy, Charlie. You deserve the absolute best in this life and settle for nothing less.

Lastly, I want to tell you something I should’ve told you a long time ago. I love you, Charlotte Reed. I think my heart knew I needed you long before my mind did. You’ve filled the last few months with more happiness and love than I knew I was capable of feeling.

I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you while I was holding you, looking into your beautiful green eyes.

I love you. Forever.

Your Andrew

I fold forward over my own legs, letting the pain and sadness swallow me whole. I can barely hear the soft whisper of Andrea’s tearful voice over my own sobs. She’s telling Jack the contents of her letter. Her sobs tear my heart out all over again. He can’t be gone; he just can’t be.

Hands grip me on either side, lifting me up. It’s Irene and Joe.

“C’mon, child,” Irene says with a sniffle.

“Irene,” I sob, “he can’t really be gone.”

She holds back her own tears, unable to speak. It’s clear she heard the details while Andrea told Jack.

My eyes find Andrea and Adalyn holding each other. Both of their letters rest on their laps. Jack and Nathan on either side of them, comforting them. With help from Irene and Joe, I make my way over to them. My mind is a chaotic mess. This can’t be real. It just can’t be.

Jack stands to allow me to sit with Andrea. He slides his laptop off the coffee table and onto his lap. He clicks away on the computer, his attention glued to whatever is on the screen.

“Andrea,” I barely croak her name out before the tears fall again.

“He can’t be gone,” she whispers, tears streaming down her face.

Adalyn lets out a sob and presses her face against Nathan’s chest. He pulls her closer, wrapping both of his arms around her.

Jack clears his throat. “There’s a file on here labeled ‘For My Sisters.’”

He clicks the file, and a document opens. Andrea goes over to sit beside Jack and pulls the laptop onto her lap as she wipes her tears. Adalyn sits beside Andrea, both of their eyes locked on the screen.

“It’s the explanation he promised,” Adalyn says in a hushed tone.

“Read it out loud please,” Andrea says before covering her face and pushing the laptop back to Jack.
