Page 115 of Bragg's Match

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I’m confused as to why removing the tarp is this much work. Was the pottery shed not burned to the ground? Do I have a structure I can rebuild on?

The gossip gals whoop as the tarp falls off the shed. The shed? I rub my eyes to clear my vision but I’m not imagining things. There is a brand-new shed where my old shed used to be.

“What’s happening here?” Am I having a fever dream? I pinch myself. “Ow.” Definitely awake. But still confused as to what’s happening here.

“Oh. Wow. It’s gorgeous. I’ve been dying to see it,” Sage says.

My confusion isn’t clearing up any. “Dying to see it? You knew about this?”

“The whole town did.”

I press my fingers against my temples where I feel a headache coming on. Maybe this is one of those super realistic dreams. Maybe the insurance company didn’t phone and deny my claim. And maybe—

Sage grasps my arm and drags me closer to the building. “Touch it. It’s real.”

I don’t know what’s worse. Sage knowing I’m having a difficult time with reality at the moment or standing in front of the gossip gals caressing the wall of my new pottery shed.

My new pottery shed. Holy cows have come home! I have a new pottery shed.

“Did the whole town get together and construct this shed for me?”

Winter Falls is awesome this way. If a neighbor is going through a rough time, she’s not going through it alone or for long.

“No, we didn’t,” Sage says.

“But we would have,” Feather adds.

Petal nods. “If necessary.”

“I would have supplied the coffee and cookies,” Clove says.

Cayenne stretches her arms above her head before reaching down to touch her toes. I wish I could touch my toes. “And I would have helped with stretching before and after any strenuous activity.”

“If the town didn’t do this, who did?”

Sage clears her throat. “We’re not allowed to say.”

I cock a brow and wait. Sage and the gossip gals have never been able to keep a secret before. When she doesn’t immediately cave, I cross my arms over my chest and tap my toe. “I’m waiting.”

“I don’t know what for. I can keep a secret.”

I snort. “Sure, you can.”

She wags her finger. “You’re not going to get me to spill a secret just to prove I can keep a secret.”

She’s confusing me, so I focus my attention on Feather.

“Next month’s smutty book isMake Me Yoursby Melanie Harlow,” she blurts out.

“I thought we were saving the single father book for December,” Petal says.

“No.” Feather shakes her head. “We need to start in November. December’s too far away.”

“I guess I better start a new batch of candles.”

“What are you talking about?” I yell. “The smutty book club has nothing to do with my shed.”

Clove pats my hand. “Of course, not, dear.”
