Page 116 of Bragg's Match

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Cayenne scratches her neck. “What was the question again?”

I point at them. “To think I defended the lot of you when Brody badmouthed you.”

Sage gasps. “Brody badmouthed us?”

“He blamed you for the fire in the house.”

Clove’s nose scrunches. “He’s not exactly wrong. If we hadn’t distracted him, he never would have burned the croutons.”

“I may have phoned River a bit prematurely. But he’s just so dang sexy in his fireman uniform. I can’t resist him.” Petal winks.

“You’re happily married,” I remind her.

“Orion and I have an understanding. I can look as long as I don’t touch.”

“What about pinching?” I ask her. “I’ve seen you pinch plenty of young man’s buts.”

She waves away my question. “Pinching does not count as touching.”

“I beg to differ,” Brody says as he strolls into the backyard.

I study him. He doesn’t appear to be heartbroken. Jerk. He should be devastated I broke up with him and kicked him out. It’s the least he could do.

“What are you doing here?” I ask. “I told you to come get your stuff when I’m at work.”

“I’m not picking up my stuff.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “Well, I’m not packing it up for you. If you don’t come get it, I’m throwing it all away.”

He growls. “I’m not here to discuss my stuff.”

His gaze dips to my stomach and I place a hand over it. Shit. Does he know? Who told?

Chapter 37

Someone bring the marshmallows. Sparks are about to fly at Soleil’s house. ~ Message from Sage on the Winter Falls Facebook page


Soleil placing a protective hand over her stomach is the confirmation I need. She’s pregnant and she didn’t tell me. I ignore the hurt gathering in a ball in my chest. There’ll be time for hurt later. Soleil and I have things to discuss first.

“Is there something you have to tell me?”

She points to the pottery shed. “Is there somethingyouhave to tell me?”

Clove claps. “This is good. Front row seats.”

“Too bad we don’t have popcorn,” Sage complains.

Petal sighs. “Project Cub is my favorite!”

Feather rolls her eyes. “You say that about every project. They can’t all be your favorites.”

“I don’t know why not.”

I inhale a deep breath before I snap at the gossip gals. I owe them. I eavesdropped on their conversation before I made my appearance known. They kept my secret about the shed. Therefore, no yelling at the crazy old ladies today. Also, no referring to them as crazy old ladies out loud.

“Ahem. Ladies.”
