Page 16 of Bragg's Match

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I wouldn’t refer to working sixty plus hours a week as lazy, but I let Riley’s comment slide. If I correct him now, I’ll have to explain and I’m not ready to explain. Not yet.

I rub my hands together. “Who’s ready to get their ass kicked in poker?”

“If you cheat again, I’m tying you to the flagpole in front of the high school in your underwear,” Miller grumbles.

“Moi? Cheat? Never.”

I don’t cheat. Not exactly. Do I play pranks in the middle of the game to distract other players? Maybe. But it’s not my fault if they get easily distracted.

Miller crosses his arms over his chest. “And you didn’t try to use marked cards the last time we played?”

“I didn’t use them, though, did I? Therefore, you can’t complain about my cheating.”

I sit at the dining room table, which is all set up for our poker game. “What a good looking table, Elder.”

“It’s nice I can finally see it since your work is no longer in a mess on top of it.”

I’m a bit of a messy worker. Truth be told. I should probably get an office and an assistant. I can’t keep up with the gazillion tasks of managing a company on my own while also handling most of the software coding for the games we develop.

Everyone sits at the table and Elder hands out beers. I read the labelAle Your Clothes Off.I chuckle before trying the beer.

“This is good. Is it a new recipe?” I ask.

My brothers, Miller and Elder, in addition to being fraternal twins – which isn’t really twins in my opinion – own and operateNaked Falls Brewingtogether here in town. From what I understand, there was a ton of resistance from locals when they arrived a few years ago to set up the brewery, but now they’re settled in town and both of their girlfriends are locals. The Bragg bunch is here to stay!

Miller grunts at my question.

“I thought Eden was training him to talk,” I say.

“I’m not a fucking dog,” Miller growls.

“Oh look! It’s working. He’s talking again.”

Riley sighs. “You’re dying for him to smack you, aren’t you?”

I shrug. “He can try.”

“Enough of this small talk,” Elder says. “I want to know what Brody’s going to do about Soleil.”

My brow furrows. “About Soleil? Soleil isn’t a problem to be solved.”

“But the tent in your pants whenever she’s around is definitely a problem,” Riley says and my brothers laugh.

“I can’t help it my dick is too big to be hidden in my pants.”

“Soleil’s always wanted a family,” Peace chimes in.

A ball of something unpleasant forms in my stomach. It annoys me how my half-brother knows more about the woman I’m infatuated with than I do. I want to know all of Soleil’s secrets – how does she taste, how does she look when she comes, how heavy are her breasts.

My cock starts to harden in my pants and I shut those thoughts down before my situation becomes evident to my brothers. I’d never hear the end of it if I got a hard-on from talking about a woman during a poker game.

Elder chuckles. “Can you imagine Brody with a family? He’s a baby himself.”

“Hey now. I’m thirty. I’m not a baby.”

He ruffles my hair. “You’ll always be a baby to me.”

I glare at him. “Says the man who almost ruined the best thing to ever happen to him because he was afraid to have children.”
