Page 17 of Bragg's Match

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Elder’s smile stretches from ear to ear. “Harmony and my baby girl, Robin, are definitely the best things to happen to me.”

“Personally, I’m betting on Soleil never giving Brody the time of day,” Riley says.

“What the hell? Where’s the twin support?”

“I call it like I see it and Soleil has no interest in you.”

He’s wrong. I’ve seen the interest flare in Soleil’s brown eyes. I’ve heard her breath catch when we touch and sparks ignite. She’s interested, but she’s resisting me because she thinks I’m too young for her. What do our ages matter when Soleil was put on this earth for me?

“Any news on our alleged other brother?” I ask Peace.

I actually don’t care to meet yet more children dear old dad conceived out of wedlock but I also don’t want to discuss Soleil anymore. I have no desire to argue with my brothers about whether or not she’ll give me a chance. She will. You can count on it.

“Nothing.” Peace frowns. “I don’t get it. It’s almost as if he’s in witness protection. It’s as if he dropped off the face of the earth.”

“Is there anyone you can contact to confirm if he’s in witness protection?”

“The US Marshalls aren’t exactly blabbing when it comes to who’s in witness protection.”

“We’re at a dead end?”

“I think we are.”

“Now back to our regularly scheduled program of teasing Brody about his crush on an older woman,” Elder says.

“Nothing wrong with an older woman,” I say.

“Except this particular older woman has no desire to play hide the sausage with you,” Riley says.

I wiggle my eyebrows. “Because she hasn’t seen how big my sausage is yet.”

Something crashes into the sliding glass door behind the dining room table. About damn time.

“Ah, shucks. Is it Billy coming to visit his boyfriend?” I don’t bother trying to hide the humor in my voice.

Elder stands and marches to the door. “What the hell did you do to Billy?”

“Ididn’t do anything. Billy told me he’s a princess, so I made sure he had the appropriate clothes.”

Elder opens the door and Billy strolls in the house wearing a tiara and pink boa. The goat buts his horns against Elder’s legs.

“Ah look. He missed you.”

Elder glares at me. “I’m going to kill you.”

I spring from my chair. “You have to catch me first.”

I scramble out the front door of the house knowing Elder can’t follow me or he’ll risk the goat coming with and getting lost. Harmony would kill him if her goat got lost. Although how hard can it be to find a goat wearing a tiara?

Chapter 7

Brody Bragg is a menace to society. Can I have him locked up? ~ Text from Soleil to Peace

Iscowl when I enter the living area and notice the kitchen table is completely covered in papers. I fist my hands on my hips and yell, “Brody!”

He swaggers down the hallway wearing a pair of shorts slung low on his hips and nothing else. I can’t help but drink in the sight of him. My fingers itch to reach out and touch those abs to discover how they feel. With a tiny bit of effort, those shorts could be out of my way. My body heats as I imagine licking every inch of his skin.

“Is there something you need?”
