Page 79 of Bragg's Match

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Elder:Is that what we’re calling it nowadays?

Peace:Can we get back to the matter at hand? Some of us have jobs.


Brody:What’s the matter at hand? How Riley is whipped? Pa-chang!

Riley:You wish you were whipped.

Brody:Nope. I do the whipping. Not the other way around.

Peace:Ew. I do not need to hear about what Brody gets up to in the bedroom.


Riley:Brody’s telling tall tales anyway.

Brody:Sure. Let’s pretend you know the truth.

Damon:Who’s Soleil again?

Riley:Brody’s sugar mamma.

Brody:Hey! What about twin powers? You’re supposed to support me against the rest of these yahoos.

Riley:Twin powers don’t apply when we’re discussing your sugar mamma.

Brody:I don’t have a sugar mama.

Elder:What do you call an older woman whose house you live in and whose bed you sleep in?

Brody:If you say sugar mama, I’m putting a bug on your phone.

Elder:Oh no! I’m soooo scared. Brody’s going to make my phone quack like a duck when it rings. Someone save me!

Brody:Quack like a duck is for amateurs. I was thinking more scream bloody murder.

Elder:You wouldn’t.

Brody:I’ll make sure to call you when you’re delivering beer.

Elder:You’re an asshole.

Brody:I prefer the word talented but I understand you’re jealous and lashing out at me.

Elder:Why the hell would I be jealous of you?

Brody:See the aforementioned talent.

Riley:Aforementioned? When did Brody learn big words?

Damon:I can still remember when he called me Amon after the Egyptian god.

Brody:I called you Amon because I couldn’t pronounce the D, not because I thought you were a god, asshole.

Damon:Aw. Did we hurt little baby Brody’s feelings?

Brody:I’ve had it. I’m infecting all of your phones with bugs.
