Page 63 of Hollow Stars

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“She’ll be okay,” I told her because I needed it to be true.

Kimber sat down beside me on the floor and gently rubbed Harlow’s back as she cried, and the three of us stayed that way for a long time, until Harlow finally cried herself out.

Afterward, Kimber helped her up to bed, and I sat on the floor, trying to sort myself out from all of this.

Frost came into the room and laid down beside me, resting his gigantic head on my lap. I stroked his thick fur and exhaled roughly.

“How are you doing?” Nova asked, leaning against the doorframe as she peered in on me.

“Better than Harlow.” I shook my head and clenched my jaw. “I never should’ve stopped looking for her. I could have prevented all of this.”

“No, her tears weren’t only for what happened in the past month,” Nova said. “I mean, I don’t really know Harlow, so I shouldn’t speak for her, but I am certain the last couple years have been an absolute living hell for her, the same way it has been for all of us.”

“But it would’ve helped if I had stopped that nightmare ranch cherry on top of her hellscape sundae.”

“Yeah. And it would’ve helped me a lot if Sage never got infected, but she did. Shit happens. People make mistakes, and other people get hurt. It fucking sucks. But so it goes.”

“How is Sage?” I asked. “Did she do okay with us being gone for so long?”

“Yeah. She seemed fine. Hungry, but you know, she usually is.”

“I don’t think we should tell Harlow and Kimber about her,” I decided. “After everything at the ranch, they probably don’t want to deal with any more captive zombies.”

Nova nodded in agreement. “Let them get settled in first.”

“So…” I was hesitant to ask the question, but I had to know the truth, so I pushed on. “You’re okay with all of us staying?”

“I’m expecting you all to help out around here once everyone is up for it, because we’re going to need to expand the gardens to feed everyone,” she said. “Maybe even add some birds and goats. We’ll have to figure out how to make it work, but I’m not gonna send you out to live in the wilderness with the zombies. At least not as long as we manage to get along here.”

I breathed deeply in relief and smiled up at her. “Thank you. I really don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”

“You probably would’ve died, so you’re welcome,” she replied nonchalantly. “But don’t make me regret keeping you alive.”

“I will try not to,” I said with an uncertain laugh.

She motioned back behind her to the living room. “I left you blankets and pillows on the couch, if you want to get to bed.”

“You’re taking my bed because it’s your house,” I realized.

“That is correct. The couch isn’t too bad, though.” Nova came over to me and offered her hand, helping me to my feet.

“It definitely won’t be the worst place I’ve slept.”



It still didn’t seem real. Sometimes, when I closed my eyes, I was afraid to open them, because I was certain all of this would disappear, and I would be back at the ranch.

But then I breathed in deeply, and the air was fresh and clean. Well, maybe not clean, because there was still livestock here, but it was nothing compared to the putrid stench of a horde of zombies.

Kimber and I had been at Nova’s farmhouse with her and Lazlo for nearly a week. The first few days, Kimber and I had done little more than eat as much as we could and rest as much as our nightmares would allow.

But now I was feeling more like myself, and it was time to be useful. Kimber had volunteered to muck the animals with Nova, and I spent the morning helping Lazlo with laundry and the various other house chores.

By the afternoon, though, I was in dire need of a change of pace. It wasn’t that I minded the housework itself as much as I didn’t want any reminders of my time at the Loths. Even something as simple as sweeping the floor had caused a dark ball of anxiety in my stomach, and I jumped at the sound of Lazlo’s footsteps creaking on the floorboards.

“You’ve been cooped up enough today,” Lazlo said, gently taking the broom from me. “It’s finally getting warm outside, and Nova said that the wild asparagus should be coming in. Why don’t you head out and gather some for supper?”
