Page 2 of Breaking Free

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“With my friend.”

“What the fuck are you all doing?” Another man appears behind the two, and they both spin to face him.

“Sorry, boss, we got distracted.”

The man watches me with an intrigued look on his face. “Remove this shit,” he tells them, pointing to the tray of powder. “And get me a drink.” He loosens his tie slightly and takes a seat beside me. “Dante,” he says, holding out his hand.

“Tessa,” I reply, shaking it. My breath catches in my throat. He’s gorgeous, maybe the most handsome man I’ve ever set eyes on.

“Where’s your boyfriend?”

I feel myself blush. “I don’t have one.”

He smirks, leaning back and placing an arm over the back of the couch. I feel the heat from it like a red-hot fire, searing my back. “Lucky me.”

Present day . . .

I hear the lock click and dread fills my stomach. I try to steady my breathing as I lay as still as possible on the floor. It’s my usual trick, thinking maybe if he sees I’m sleeping, he’ll leave me alone, though it very rarely works.

His footsteps move closer and it’s almost impossible to stop myself from tensing. I feel him crouch behind me before running a finger down my spine. The sudden touch after three days of being in here startles me and I flinch. “Good morning, Tessa. How are you feeling?”

I don’t know if this is a trick question. I don’t understand what answer he wants, so I slowly turn onto my back, wincing from the pain that causes, and force a smile. “I’ve missed you, Dante,” I whisper. My voice is hoarse from the lack of water.

He grins. “Good. We have guests arriving in one hour. I’ve promised them a traditional roast beef dinner.” I push to sit and immediately feel dizzy, so I squeeze my eyes closed. “What are you waiting for?” he asks.

I look down at my naked body. “Can I wear clothes?” I whisper, almost ashamed to ask.

He laughs. “Hurry, Tessa, I don’t want my guests waiting for food.” And then he leaves.

It takes me five minutes to stand and be steady enough on my feet to get out the room. It’s on the top floor, and as I slowly take the three flights of stairs down to the kitchen, I have to cling onto the wall and handrail for support.

The ingredients for dinner are laid out on the kitchen island. There’s no way I can make a roast in one hour, and if I’m a minute late, I’ll pay for it. So, I unwrap the beef, place it in the air fryer, and select roast cook. I’ve spent years learning ways in which to outsmart Dante. He sets me up to fail all the time, so if I can cheat my way out of it, I’ll do it. I prep the rest of the food and set it all to cook.

Half an hour later, Dante enters the kitchen, looking around with that smug glint in his eye. “Everything going to plan?” he asks.

I smile. “Yes, of course. Can I get you a drink?”

He holds up his glass of bourbon to indicate he’s already sorted it himself, and I curse myself for not making sure that was the first thing I did. “Sorry, I was distracted with dinner.”

“Do you have anything to say to me, Tessa?” he asks, tipping his head to one side and eyeing me.

I move closer, my nerves on edge in case it’s the wrong thing to do and I set him off. “Dante, I’m so sorry for upsetting you,” I begin. He remains still, and I carefully reach up to his face and place my hand against his cheek. “I wasn’t thinking, and I hate that I upset you. I deserved longer in the room, but I’m glad you let me out to cook for you. It’s the least I can do.”

He inhales sharply, a sign he wasn’t expecting me to be so sincere. “I’ve left your clothes on our bed,” he says firmly.

“Thank you.” I’m relieved to gain this small victory.

“Shower and change.”

I nod, placing a gentle kiss against his mouth before rushing back upstairs to do as he’s asked. Once locked in our en-suite bathroom, I clench my fists and silently scream. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him. I repeat the chant while I shower.


I pace the room, my stress levels off the chain today. When my handler finally walks in, I stop and give her a steely glare. “No contact. That’s the fucking rule, right?”

“They’re getting restless, Nero. Tell me you have something.”

“What I have is a fucking target on my head whenever you call me away like this. You know how this works, damn it. Don’t contact me again. I’ll tell you when I have something.”
