Page 132 of Roughneck

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But Calla was still nowhere to be seen. He was about to ask where she’d gone when he heard a loud peal of laughter behind him.

Which was when he turned around and saw her at the edge of the dance floor. Apparently trying to teach Mack to two-step.

Son of a cunt.

At least from the clumsy way Mack was fumbling around it was obvious he was a shite dancer.

Small compensation, considering it only seemed to charm Calla more. She grinned as she yelled out instructions, her arm linked with Mack’s as they stomped and then started forward again. Well, they were supposed to be going forward, but Mack was still backing up. Which just made Calla laugh more as she tugged on his arm to try to get him moving with the rest of the group.

Jaysus, Liam had only been caught up with that blonde leach for a couple minutes, and here Calla and Mack were already looking as chummy as if they’d known each other for years and not days.

Enough of that.

Liam was about to head to break into their little dance lesson when Mel suddenly caught his arm. Her face was serious so he stopped instead of just blowing her off. It was loud with the blaring music and noise from the crowd, but he leaned down to hear what she had to say.

“You guys need to take it easy with her. She doesn’t have much experience with men.”

Liam nodded and was about to pull away because every second he wasn’t by Calla’s side was another that Mack was wheedling himself into her good graces. Mel’s grip just increased on his arm.

“I’m serious, Liam.”

He paused at that. She did look serious. Deadly so. Was he missing something?

“I just want to show her a good time, that’s all.”

Mel’s look didn’t soften. “What I’m telling you is that she’s not used to men like you.” She leaned in so she was talking directly into his ear. “Or any man. You get what I’m saying?”

Liam pulled back sharply so he could look her in the face. Did she mean—

“Tell me you get what I’m saying.”

Liam’s gaze went to the lovely woman on the dance floor and then back to Mel. He leaned down, glancing around to make sure no one else would hear him. “Are you saying she’s a virgin?” Calla had to be in her mid-twenties. Surely there was no way that she wouldn’t have had—

“I’m seriously breaking the girl code by saying anything about it. But I’ve seen how you guys operate and—”

“I’ve never done anything with a woman they weren’t fully on board with.” Liam couldn’t help his sharp tone and Mel winced.

“I’m not saying that you have. Or would.” Mel huffed out a breath. “I don’t know what I’m saying.”

Liam didn’t know what to do with this information. Staying away from virgins was one of Liam’s hard and fast rules. He looked out over the dance floor at Calla laughing and leaning into Mack.

Jaw tightening, he bent back down to Mel’s ear. “You tell Mackenzie this?”

She shook her head. “No chance. She let it slip while I was doing her make up and I probably shouldn’t have even told you, but—”

“I’m glad you did.”

She nodded, still looking uncertain.

He gave her arm a squeeze and then started through the crowd to get to Calla’s side. If Mack hadn’t been in the picture, he might have left well enough alone. Getting tangled with a virgin was usually the last thing he would have been up for.

But Mack was in the picture. He might not know her well yet, but the last thing she needed was to be seduced by some fucking ex-con. Liam was more determined than ever to get her away from the bastard.

Chapter Nine


“Your right foot. No, your other right.” Calla laughed even harder as Mack stumbled along to the line dance steps, his face an adorable mask of concentration as he stomped a beat after everyone else. At least he was finally moving back and forth with the crowd, even if he didn’t seem to be able to catch onto the simple step-kick, triple step pattern of the dance.
