Page 16 of Phantom

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I peeked up at him, liking the sound of that. “I am, huh?”


He kissed me again before sliding off the mattress and tugging me with him. Since I hadn’t bothered to put his shirt back on after we had sex, I was completely naked. Something Kian took full advantage of before I could cover up.

Palming the underside of my breast, he brushed his thumb over my pebbled nipple while his other hand drifted to my butt. “Then again, coming home to you without a stitch on might be even better, sweet girl.”

“Um…I’m not sure I’m ready for that.” Or that I ever would be while staying here. “It would be just my luck that there would be a fire or something, and I’d have to run past all your club brothers without any clothes on.”

“Fuck, good point.” He lightly swatted my butt. “Nobody gets to see you like this but me.”

Butterflies swirled in my belly at his possessive tone. “You won’t get any argument from me.”

“Because you’re mine.”

“Yours,” I confirmed, enjoying hearing him say it now as much as I had when he was taking my virginity.

“Which means I get to take care of you.” He winked at me, and I giggled. “So breakfast first, devouring your pussy later.”

I fanned my face with my hand. “Like I said before, I’m not going to argue with that plan.”

We got dressed—Cat had brought about a dozen shopping bags to the clubhouse when she found out I had only brought a few things with me—and headed down to the kitchen. For the past four mornings, it had been packed with club members, their wives, and their children. But today, we only found Mac, Bridget, and their son Dane sitting at the table.

“Good morning, you two,” Bridget chirped, her lips curving into a big grin. “Now I get why everyone else headed home right after breakfast—Phantom is back.”

Kian nodded. “Got in late last night.”

“And thank fuck for that.” Mac got up and slapped him on the back. “Hated to send you out just when you found your girl. Know it sucks that we got to know her before you really got the chance, but I gotta say—you chose well.”

“You really did,” Bridget agreed with a soft smile. “Tessa fit right in with all of us like she’s been here forever, but it was clear that she missed you.”

Kian tugged me against his side and brushed a kiss against the top of my head. “Not as much as I missed her.”

“How about I make you guys a batch of French toast as a thank you for the time you sacrificed on behalf of the club?” Bridget offered.

Kian patted his six-pack abs. “If you want to make them, I’ll be happy to eat them. But you don’t owe me anything for doing my part.”

“And that right there is part of why Tessa is a lucky girl for finding you.” Bridget rolled her eyes at Mac’s growl, going up on her toes to kiss him on the cheek before she started cracking eggs into a bowl and whisking them with milk, vanilla, and cinnamon.

“Can I have some too, Mom?” Dane asked.

“How in the world are you hungry again?” Bridget shook her head as she pulled out a loaf of bread. “You just had breakfast half an hour ago.”

Her son shrugged. “What can I say? I’m a growing boy.”

“Damn straight you are, my little man,” Mac agreed.

Dane puffed his little chest out. “I’m gonna be as big as you someday, and then when I’m old enough, I’m gonna be prez just like you too.”

Kian squeezed the boy’s shoulder. “If you work hard enough, I can see you following in your dad’s footsteps.”

Dane crossed his thin arms over his chest, mimicking Mac’s stance. “Good, because I’m gonna.”

“Keep that confidence. You’re gonna need it.” Kian chuckled and shook his head. “Where are the girls?”

“Molly went over to Silver Ink to show Uncle Nova something she drew.” Dane rolled his eyes. “Dahlia and Callie trailed her.”

Kian ruffled the boy’s hair. “You didn’t want to go with them?”
