Page 21 of Phantom

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“Then I guess it’s a good thing you talked me into a short engagement,” I teased, cuddling against his chest after he rolled onto his back.

“Talked you into it?” he echoed with a chuckle. “Is that what I did?”

“That’s the story I’m going to tell our children when they’re older, so yeah.” I gestured at our naked bodies. “I wouldn’t want to scar them for life with what really happened.”

“That’s probably a good call.” His palm glided down my spine. “But they’re going to be so used to seeing their parents kiss that they won’t be the least bit surprised that I couldn’t keep my hands off you.”

I loved the sound of that. “Something to look forward to.”



“Breaker,” I greeted our Sergeant at Arms when he walked into Mac’s office a couple of days after I returned.

“Hey,” he replied with a nod before taking a seat on one of the couches in the corner of the office.

Mac nodded at me, giving me permission to lead the meeting now that all of our enforcers were present.

I looked at Grey and sighed. “Tessa wants to give the money to her dad.”

His brows shot up, but he didn’t comment.

I rolled my eyes to the ceiling with my jaw clenched and gritted out, “She wants to clear his debt so he doesn’t end up hurt or worse.”

“Gonna do it?” Nova asked.

“Why not just mail the check to the jackass?” suggested Dom.

“You think he’d actually give it up or try to run away with it, which would get his ass six feet under?” I asked dryly.

He grunted in agreement.

“Gonna take the money straight to the bookie. And make sure he spreads the word that no one is to lend to him from now on. Tessa’s dad wants to get in trouble again, it won’t be here, where it could get back to my woman.”

“The shit we do for our women,” Patch groaned.

“Nova, Dom, Breaker, Grey, go with him,” Mac ordered. “Hack, I want you in contact with Grey. They balk at our show of force, Grey can threaten shit, and you can show ’em we mean business.”

There was a chorus of agreements, then we all arranged to meet at the garage in thirty.

“Scout, Knight, and I will cover you from a distance, especially while you have the cash.”

I nodded my thanks, then ran upstairs to talk to Tessa.

She was just stepping out of the shower, and I had to force myself to remember that my brothers were waiting, and I didn’t have time to fuck my woman right now.

“Got club business, sweet girl. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

“Okay,” she replied with a pretty smile.

She didn’t ask where I was going or what I was doing, knowing I couldn't answer. Her easy acceptance of my life just made me love her even more.

I strode over and gave her a panty-melting kiss, then growled, “I want you naked and waiting for me in bed when I get back.”

Tessa shivered, but her expression was sassy when she answered, “I might have stuff to do, Kian.”

“I’ll text you when I’m headed home.” I curled my fingers into the wet hair on the back of her head and yanked it back. “Naked. Bed.”
