Page 50 of Saved By the Grump

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Plus, why was she in the pharmacy in the first place? Is she sick?

I’m about to call her right now to question her but then I pause as it hits me.

I care about her.

Way too much.

Because the feeling in my chest isn’t just normal affection for a friend, or the need to help a beautiful stranger. It’s not even just the lust I feel whenever I’m around her. There’s also this need to have her beside me, to be around her at all times. I don’t want to eat dinner without her. I miss her when she’s gone, it’s like an emptiness that I didn’t fucking realize was there.

And I want to take care of her. I want to rescue her from every bad thing in this world.

And the fact that I didn’t notice this feeling as it crept up on me fucking concerns me. Because I’ve never felt like that with anyone, and I shouldn’t be feeling this for a woman I only fucked once and never even dated.

“Shit.” The expletive escapes me as I rub my hand over my face, taking a seat at the dining table. I need to pull back. This is getting too much, too intense too quickly. I’m here, losing my head with protectiveness and jealousy over a woman who’s not mine. And I can’t deny that some of what moves me is jealousy that she’s spending time with someone else but me.

“If that isn’t the most obsessive shit I’ve ever heard,” I murmur to myself.

Jonah tries to call me back but I don’t answer. He texts me,She’s not with April.

I text back,Yeah, but I already heard from her, so it’s good.

Even though it’s not good. The sound of her voice hasn’t gotten rid of my anxiety like I hoped it would.

I get up, readying myself to go home and not think about her again when the doorbell rings. I can’t deny that my chest jumps with a little bit of joy and hope that she changed her mind and decided to come home after all.

But at the door, I only find Jane who is dressed in what can only be charitably described as pajamas.

Although the material is so silky and see-through it might as well be called lingerie. I can see the outline of her nipples and pussy in the shorts, but surprisingly it doesn’t even raise my interest. Not even a little bit.

God, you’ve got it bad.

“Hi,” she says with a sultry smile as if what happened weeks ago didn’t happen. As if she didn’t slap me in the middle of the street and storm off.

“What do you want, Jane?” I ask.

Jane pouts. “Are you still mad over our little argument?”

“No,” I answer honestly. “I probably deserved it for letting your delusions go on long enough. But I’m not doing it anymore.”

Her face falls and her lips tremble in a perfected move that could only be staged. At the same time, her hands press together against her chest, pushing out her cleavage even more.

“I’m so sorry, Ollie,” she says in a trembly voice. Unlike with Delilah, the name grates in my ears. “I didn’t mean to…you know, I just get so jealous. Please, I don’t care if you like her but don’t throw what we have away.”

“Jane,” I sigh tiredly.

“Please, Ollie.” She runs into the cottage past me and before I can utter out a protest, she’s on her knees. “Please, Ollie. I’ll do anything.”

“Jesus,” I mutter. It isn’t just desperation in her eyes, there’s something crazy about them too. “Get up, come on.”

She shakes her head.

Shit. The last thing I want is for Delilah to come back and meet this mess.

Come on, man. Even now you're thinking about her?

“Get up, Jane.”

She shakes her head again and resists my hold. “Please. I’ll do anything.” She licks her lips seductively, eyes dropping to the front of my flap. She frowns a little when she sees there’s not even a hint of interest.
