Page 57 of Saved By the Grump

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“It goes without saying that if any of you try anything funny, I’m going to blow both your brains out.”

I don’t see Rena’s reaction because my head snaps back to him at the threat. He begins walking toward me, with that savage gleam in his eyes, and I feel the trembling start through my body. I want to move back but I don’t know how he’ll react to that. I can’t predict him, can't tell what his end goal behind all of this is.

Is he going to kill us? What's he waiting for? What's the hell is he talking about, escape trip?

Logic defeats me at this point, so I just stand there as the cold metal touches the skin of my neck. I try not to shake or make a sound as he trails the gun up my neck to my face, using it to brush my hair back on my shoulders.

“Hi,” he says with an expression you would give someone after not seeing them for the longest time. It's so tender it's sickening. His eyes are also gentle as they trail down my body. I've never hated being looked at so much. His gaze is as invasive as if he'd stripped me naked, and it takes everything in me not to throw my hands over my own body and cover as much as I can.

“You look beautiful in this dress, by the way,” he says, and I'm so confused that I blurt out a response in a shaky voice.

“Are you flirting with me right now?”

He laughs and shakes his head. “You know, that’s what I’ve always liked about you. Your sense of humor. That’s one of the reasons I fell for you in the first place.”

“Fell for me?” My jaw drops open, and I stare at him dumbfounded. "What are you talking about?”

It's probably a bad idea to be questioning a man who has a gun out on me because his features tighten slightly. Still, he answers, “You know what I’m talking about. Or are you going to pretend you didn’t see me all those times I watched you?”

“When did you watch me?” I whisper as my horror expounds. Oh my God, has he been following me home this entire time? Every time I walked to and from work? Or maybe just after he was done with classes?

If that's true, then it meant that I was in danger without even knowing it. At any moment, he could have grabbed me on the street and I didn’t even sense anything was wrong.

“Yeah,” he says, using the gun to pick up my chin so I look into his eyes. “I knew you were still playing hard to get, so I thought I should maybe indulge you. Play the game for a while, but I also thought I should start flirting with you. Let you know that I was there. That’s why I sent you the note. And then you sent that thug after me.”

“You’re insane.”

Again, this is the wrong thing to say because he pokes the gun in my abdomen again, smiling at my yelp.

“I almost gave up after you sent him to see me,” he says. “But I was just so angry. I mean, you play with a man for so long and he’s gonna just...” I can feel his breath waft over my face and fear seizes my breath as he says, “Crack.”

He looks past me to Rena who is standing behind me. She is looking between the two of us as if trying to figure out our relationship as she holds out the ties. Then he gestures for her to me. “Tie her up.”

Rena and I share another look but neither of us has a choice in the matter. She comes close to me and starts to wrap the cable ties around my wrist.

“Tight,” he coaches her. “You know how I like it.”

Rena swallows and nods.

“Please,” I croak as it’s finally hitting me. I’m in the hands of a psychopath who is apparently obsessed with me and has delusional fantasies of us together. “Please. I’m sorry for whatever I did but please just let me go.”

“Ah ah,” he says and moves the gun to the side. “Go sit down there.”

I stand there for a while but then his smile twitches a little and that’s enough to scare me into action.

I slowly walk and sit down on the chair, watching as he orders Rena to turn around.

“Stay still,” he says and sets the gun on a side table to tie her up. Rena’s eyes meet mine again, and for a second, I have hope. He’s about the same size as her, and if she moves, we could gang up on him. Even with my hands tied behind my back, I could run at him, bump him off his feet and she could grab the gun in the meantime.

I try to communicate this to her through my eyes, but either she doesn’t understand or she’s too frozen in fear. In fact, this is the first time I’ve seen her like this, without her usual sarcasm or confrontational nature. She’s meek as a lamb as she stands there for him to tie her up.

And just like that, we miss our chance, and the gun is back in his hand again.

“Alright, go sit beside her,” he gestures. "And don’t catfight over me again, because I don’t have time to be separating you.”

He smiles with a sneaky smile and winks at me as if we share a secret. Rena once again glances at the two of us but I shake my head at her, the same way she did. I know this is beside the point but I need her to know that this is not what she thinks. There’s nothing between us.

“So, what happens now?” Rena says in a quiet voice, and it’s the first time she’s spoken since the entire thing started.
