Page 58 of Saved By the Grump

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“Now?” Theo says. “Well, to be honest, I don’t exactly have everything planned out yet. I didn’t think this would be happening today, but when I saw you two drive in, I couldn’t resist.” He seems to think about it a little. “We arrived at nearly the same time, you know? I saw you get out of the car and was so surprised. I waited and watched for a few seconds to see if you would go into the apartment. And then, when you did, I just knew this was my chance. How about I make a little something for us so that the two of you can calm down, and then I can take us to our surprise place.”

"Surprise place?" I whisper.

He smiles at me and nods.

“What surprise place?” Rena asks.

“Well, if I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise, now would it?"

He laughs to himself and then heads into the kitchen. At the doorway, he turns back to us one last time.

"Remember," he croons. "Don't try anything funny."

And then he walks in, leaving the door open.

I immediately turn to Rena once he's gone.

"We need to get out of here,” I say, but she’s not looking at me. She’s staring into the air.

“I thought I was wrong,” she says as if talking to herself.

"What?" I ask.

"I saw the notes that he would write for another girl. Stacey." Her voice has a trance-like quality to it and her eyes are blank. "I thought he was cheating on me, but he made me think...I thought the girl was crazy." She shakes her head, and tears blink in her eyes. "They say she died. Looked like suicide and he convinced me she was nuts over him and killed herself because she couldn't have him."

"Oh, God," The situation just keeps getting worse and worse. It means this isn't the first time. He's done this before.

"Rena," I say. "We need to get out of here now."

She shakes her head and then finally turns to me. "We can't. He's going to kill us and make it look like we died fighting over him. We can't do anything about it."

"No!" I deny in a harsh whisper, feeling determination battle the tight fear in my chest. I can't die now, not like this. Things just started to look up for me. I have a job I love. There's Oliver...and my baby who I just found out about today.

I can't die like this.

I look around, searching quickly for an escape route and that's when I hear the slight knock on the window.

I nearly scream instinctively but I'm able to choke it back as a head appears.


He's at the balcony and he looks deadly.

Chapter Twenty


Abeadofsweattrails down my back as I watch the entire thing play out.

I’m on the balcony but they don’t know it yet. I was able to scale the trellis that’s bolted to the side of the building. This is only a second floor , so it was easy enough.

My first instinct was to rush in and break down the front door, but the downstairs door was securely shut. I tried gaining entry in the building, but unless I’m willing to alert the neighbors to what’s going on or ring Rena’s doorbell, this is my only chance.

I called the police while I was parking my car. I alerted my friend to what was going on and told him to get his ass here as soon as possible with backup but to come without blaring sirens. I don’t want to spook the guy into shooting the girls or doing something crazy.

But I couldn’t just sit there and wait. Not when he has a gun on Delilah. I had to do something, so I just got up here without really thinking this through. The window is closed, but I hope to hell it’s not locked because I’m sure he won’t just open it and let me take him down without the risk of him shooting me, so I have to really think about my next move while I impatiently wait for the cops to come. They sure are taking their sweet time. Fuck.

The climb was easy enough even if my shoulders ache and my shin still smarts from where I hit it but those temporary pains don’t even register to me.
