Page 59 of Saved By the Grump

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The true torture is watching him with her. Watching the bastard with that unaffected look on his face as he points that gun to Delilah who appears terrified out of her mind.

Fuck, I want to rip him apart for that alone, but I can’t react emotionally now. I have to plan this out and make sure my attack doesn’t harm her.

I don’t care if the bastard kills me, but if I’m going to die, I plan on taking him out with me.

Luckily, I catch a break when the man decides to go into the kitchen for something. He must be pretty confident that the two women won’t escape, which means he’s probably underestimating them.

Or maybe he’s done this before and knows well that victims who have already been terrorized to the point of abject fear won’t attempt to escape.

Because that’s what I’m getting when I look at the other girl, the roommate. The girl calmly stood there and waited for him to tie her up when she could have decided to attack him there and at least try to get away.

On the other hand, I’m glad she didn’t try anything because if she had failed, it would have only pissed the professor enough to hurt one of them.

And I’m not sure it won’t be Delilah that gets hurt in that situation.

I see Delilah glance at the girl again and watch the girl's mouth move although she talks like she’s in a trance of some kind. Delilah is paying attention to the girl and can’t see my wave like I hoped she would. I have to give her some kind of sign that I’m here so she can head to the door as fast as possible. I tap on the window once, lightly, and at first, she doesn’t hear me.

I can't do it any louder and risk the professor hearing me from the kitchen.

I do it again. Please, Red, just look this way once.

I don’t know if she heard me or just felt my presence because her gaze bounces around the room, before finally settling on me.

I see her start and her eyes widen, but instead of relief, I see even more fear flash across her face.

At first, I don’t understand it, but then I realize she’s scared for me. She doesn’t want me to go in there.

Even amid danger, she's thinking about my safety.

God, what did I do to deserve being cared about by such a woman?

If I lose her, I don’t know what I will do with myself.

Just thinking about anything happening to her makes my chest tighten in despair. The depression presses down on me like a heavy cloud. It's like the world completely lost all color and I just feel a whole hollowness inside me.

Life simply wouldn't be worth living at that point.

And just then, it hits me like a ton of bricks.

I’m completely in love with her.

I’m distracted from my thoughts when Delilah shakes her head and mouths something I don't quite catch. I can tell the general sense of it, though. Don’t come in. I know that's what she means. Don’t put yourself in trouble over me.

Damn it, what does she take me for? A fucking no-good coward who would just leave his woman behind in the hands of a maniac?

If she thinks I can just leave her here and go along my way, then she doesn’t know me very well.

Fuck that.

I think quickly about what to do. The best-case scenario would be to take the professor out immediately but it will take too long to get to the kitchen from here, and he might come back before that. I also don't want Delilah affected by anything I do. So, I have to help them escape first, and then wait by the kitchen door ambushing him as he comes through.

I just hope I can get in without alerting the bastard that something is wrong.Please, please don’t be locked, I think as I reach to ty to open the window.

As I put my hand to the sliding glass, Delilah mouths a word to me and I understand it.

Slowly, she says.

This means, it’s my lucky day and titisunlocked. Problem is, the damned thing probably squeaks.
