Page 63 of Saved By the Grump

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“We don’t have marshmallows," he’s saying as he returns. "Faith doesn't typically stock it because I don’t like it, but I’ll make sure to tell her to add it to her next shopping list.

"No need,” I interrupt, shaking my head. He raises an eyebrow at me, and I say, “I’m moving out.”

His face falls and then he growls out, “Fuck, no. You're not going anywhere."

“It's the end of our deal,” I explain, already preparing myself for his refusal. "Way past the end, actually. And now there is no more threat. There’s no one else after me. I have a good job now and can also afford rent somewhere else.”

“I don’t give a damn about any of that," he says in the same tight tone. “I’m not letting you go. Not now when I just found you.”

I frown at him. “What do you mean?”

He squeezes his eyes shut, and when he opens them, there are emotions swirling in their depths. “I love you.”

Time halts for a moment. Everything stops, even the air, it feels like.

The dreamlike atmosphere only gets worse with his next statements.

“I know this is going to be hard to believe," he says. “I didn’t believe it myself. In fact, I fought it for so long that I can’t believe I’m here telling you this now. But I’ve loved you probably since I fucking met you, and never knew because I’ve never been in love before."

I gape at him silently for a few seconds, before he smirks.

"I…" I shake my head, brain short-circuiting, and heart billowing with emotions. “I can't..."

"Alright, then," he says, removing the cup from my hand and putting it on the table. "Let me show you."

And he kisses me.

Just like in the dreams.

This time, the kiss isn’t hot and contentious. It’s soft and tender as if I'm the most precious being on earth and he’s scared I'll break. He coaches my lips, licking at the seams for entrance, and desire flows like a languorous river throughout my body.

The river eventually turns into an overwhelming storm as the kiss continues.

I grab his hair and shift closer, deepening the kiss, and he responds by groaning in my mouth. The sensation, once again, makes my body sing and kicks up the urgency.

I’ve wanted this for so long, craved him for so long.

All those lonely nights of thinking about him and fighting with myself not to even dream about him. It all comes to the fore now, in a kiss that is bitter and sweet and gentle and forceful.

He groans even harder and rips away.

“No," he says. “Let’s not rush it.”

I shake my head, desire a lump in my throat. Logically, I don't want to rush anything, but my body is demanding I go faster. If I wait any more, common sense might take control and make me stop this. I reach for him, but he fends off my grab and takes both my wrists in his hand elevating them over my head as he lays me back on the couch. Then he slowly starts trailing kisses down my neck.

A shivery feeling overwhelms me, and I don’t feel his hands unbuttoning my shirt, but all of a sudden, it’s wide open. He takes my bra off with an expert hand and groans suddenly.

When I glance down, he’s staring at my nipples with a reverence that's almost scary. “Oh, honey. Your tits are beautiful.”

I swallow at the dirty words and his tongue is even filthier rolling around the nubs. Electricity sparks from the wet heated cavern of his mouth as he draws my nipples tight and I cry out into the air, shifting against the couch.

"That’s right, my love," he says, his hand traveling under my skirt. "You’re going to come for me first, my beautiful Red.”

And then he touches me, but his words are what have tears squeezing from the side of my eyes. My heart is full of a lot of tumultuous emotions, love and sorrow, happiness and heartbreak. I know I shouldn’t be doing this, that it will only make it more painful to leave, but I refuse to think about that right now.

If this is the last time I can have him, I’m determined to enjoy it.

So, I let him drive my body to unbelievable heights. His masterful fingers strum my clit until I'm begging for it, and only then does he push himself, slowly, into my weeping center. Then he starts thrusting, alternating between fast and slow while staring into my eyes with his stormy gray depths. Sharp sensations reverberate through my body until I'm screaming my release in a mindless writhing mess.
