Page 73 of Saved By the Grump

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“Relax,” Melly says, getting up from her spot in the seat beside me. "She’ll be fine.”

“Yeah, man.” Jonah’s here too for some reason, having arrived with Melly about an hour ago. I don’t want to analyze their arrival together or what it means. Right now I have better things to worry about, and as long as he doesn’t hurt her, I’m going to learn to accept it.

“Childbirth is a natural part of the process. It’s normal to expect some pain, but everything is evolving as it should, right?”

Melly asks.

I shake my head. They don’t know what the pregnancy has been like for Delilah all this time. I haven’t told anyone. From the swollen ankles to the brief bout of preeclampsia. She had to stay on bed rest for the last few weeks and the baby is about two weeks early. I nearly freaked out earlier today when she told me her water broke, but I still kept enough of my mind awake to be able to get her to the hospital in a speedy but safe manner.

And then I called her mom, who demanded to be here during the birth as soon as she found out we were expecting. I didn’t want to worry her but I knew that she would be pissed if it happened without her. She’s been involved during this entire pregnancy, and Delilah calls her whenever she gets too concerned about how difficult the birth would be.

I’ve had long talks with Esther too when I’ve been terrified and felt out of my depth.

"I know you’re scared,” she said the last time she visited us when I confessed to her how scared I was that I was going to lose Del. “But giving birth to Delilah was complicated too. It runs in the family but we’re very strong women. My daughter especially." She patted my hand and gave me a motherly look. “She’ll be fine.”

“I’ll make sure of it, ma’am,” I said nodding.

“You’ll be fine too.” And then she did something very unexpected. She stood and kissed me on the cheek. It was such a motherly thing to do, even if she is too young to be my mother. It was a nice gesture, though, and her gentleness reminded me of her daughter.

Speaking of Esther, she should be here any moment. I would feel a lot better if she was here because God knows I’m completely out of my element. I don’t even know where to start if anything happens.

I squeeze my eyes shut and pray that nothing happens to Delilah. It would hurt a lot and take some time but I think I could deal with it if something happened to the baby. I have been involved in the pregnancy and feeling the bump moving and kicking any chance I get, but that’s all. For now, he or she is part of my Del. An extension of her.

I don’t think I could live without her, though.

It’s hard to understand how she’s come to mean the entire world to me in such a short time. I thought it would take time for me to be able to express my love for her but the truth is that it takes no time at all. In fact, it’s hard for me not to show her love.

And now look what I’ve done.

Another scream and I practically shake.

“Please,” I plead to whatever deity is there. “Please.”

“My daughter!” I look up and Delilah’s mom is running through the waiting room, looking alarmed. “Where is she?”

I point to the door, and she nods and asks me, “What’s happening?”

"She isn’t dilated enough,” I notice my voice is shaky and I clear my throat. “The contractions are killing her but they can’t get the baby out. They might be prepping for a C-section.”

Her mom nods. “The same thing happened to me. But Delilah has to relax. I think she’s tensed up and it’s going to make it harder.

"Follow me," I say and walk to the door of the delivery room. I rap on it once for them to open it up and the nurse is looking at us.

Esther doesn't wait for an invitation. She brushes past the nurse and says, "Oh, honey."

"Mom," I hear Delilah cry out before the nurse closes the door again with a sympathetic look.

I head back to sit down but the nervous energy is still bouncing inside me. My sister comes to sit beside me and she slides her hand inside mine, holding it tight.

Jonah starts whistling casually in his irritating way and when I glare at him he only does it more.

“Stop it,” Melly admonishes him.

"What?” he shrugs. “It’s so quiet here, I figured you wouldn't mind some background noise. What kind of hospital is this quiet on a Friday night anyway? You would think the college kids would be living it up."

"It's exam week," Melly points out. "And you’re making it worse."

“I used to drink almost exclusively during exams," Jonah replies in the same tone. "And no, I'm not."
