Page 9 of Fury

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“It’s because of your father that my club was compromised.” He kept advancing. “It’s because of your family that my friend got hurt.” He moved closer to her until she was forced to stop because the wall was right behind her. He was only a foot from her now, the sweet scent of her filling his head, making him harder. H

e saw her gaze lower to his dick, knew she saw how hard he was, and he couldn’t help but grin wider. He placed his hands on the wall on either side of her head and leaned forward until their faces were only inches apart.

“I don’t care how I get the information out of you, but you’ll tell me whatever you know, even if you don’t think it’s much.”


Angelina held her breath, so afraid, but also feeling … arousal. It was misplaced, wrong, and she felt self-hatred over the fact. She should feel nothing but disgust for this man, but the smell of him, the size of his powerful body, and the intensity that came from him, had something deep inside of her coming awake.

He smelled of liquor, and she felt her body heat, despite the fact this man scared the hell out of her, had kidnapped her, and planned on getting information out of her by any means necessary.

His hands by her head caged her in, and she tried to stay calm, to act like she wasn’t affected or afraid. But the truth was she couldn’t even control her breathing, let alone her emotions.

“Tell me the truth,” he said, his eyes locked with hers. “Tell me when you saw your father last.”

She swallowed, her throat feeling like razorblades were lodged in there. “I haven’t spoken to him in months.”

The corner of his mouth tilted in a sardonic smile. “Don’t fucking lie to me,” he said and leaned in another inch.

She pressed her back to the wall, wanting to get away from him, and feeling like an animal trapped. “I’m not lying,” she whispered, and found herself staring deeper into his black eyes. He looked so cold, so heartless, and she didn’t understand why she found any part of this monster attractive.

He didn’t respond or say anything for long seconds, so she continued speaking. “I ran from them, from that life. I don’t want anything to do with them.” She sucked in a lungful of air. “I wanted an out, and it was either run or die.”

Fury didn’t want to move away from her but finally did.

He turned from her, his back taking up her entire view. He lifted a hand and ran it over his short dark hair.

“Fuck.” He turned and faced her. “Motherfucker,” he growled out the words, his voice raised, his anger clear.

She placed her hands flat on the wall behind her and breathed in and out. “I don’t want to be mixed up in any of this. I just want to get away from it all.” Angelina hated that she was crying, that she couldn’t control herself.

Wiping the tears away, she stared at Fury, hating him, but hating her arousal more than ever.

“Fuck,” he said again, and turned and left her in the room but didn’t shut the door. She could hear banging going on, cabinet doors being slammed shut, and more cursing, but she stayed right where she was. After a few minutes Fury came back in, looking even more pissed.

“I can’t let you go until I take care of your family.”

She knew her eyes were still wide, not sure what she should say or do.

“Behave and don’t start shit, and I’ll let you go once this is all said and done.”

Truth was she didn’t care what Fury did to her father or family. She hated them, had wanted them out of her life, and prayed for it even.

It was sick and demented, but she supposed if being chained up in this cabin in the middle of nowhere was the only way for her to truly be free, well, Angelina would deal with it.

Yeah, she must have been so fucked up, the Family messing up her sense of worth and freedom on such a level she may never go back to “normal”.

Fury didn’t move for several seconds, and she didn’t know if she should have said something. Of course, she was still afraid, but if Fury wanted to hurt her, couldn’t he have done it ten times over by now?

“Come on, I’ll show you where you can get cleaned up.” He left the room, and she couldn’t do anything but follow him, the long, length of chain clanking on the hardwood floor behind her.

The bathroom was just down the hall, the first door on the right. He turned on the light, and she looked inside.

“I brought some of your clothes. They are in a bag under the bed.” He turned and faced her.

“Can you at least unhook the chain?”

He was shaking his head before she even finished speaking. “Fuck no. Until I know your father is dead for sure, and the Family is taken care of, you’ll stay exactly like this.”
