Page 43 of Overture

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I rush out of the building when my last student of the day leaves so I don’t run into Sloane. It’s cowardly and a chicken-shit way to go about things, but I need to get my head straight before doing anything else. I’m having crazy thoughts about commitment and long-term exclusivity with a woman I haven’t even fucking kissed yet.

That is not me.

And until I figure out why I’m suddenly doing these things and what it all means, I can’t pull anyone else into my vortex of chaos. Not yet.

The look on Sloane’s face when I turned down her dinner invitation was almost enough to break me. Almost. I had to bite the inside of my cheek hard to remind myself I don’t do dates. That’s not who Cooper Davies is. And Sloane Castle needs to learn that real quick. It’s a painful lesson for all involved, but it’s my reality.

I make it to Blackmore Records on time for the meeting and find the rest of the band and Mac already in the conference room with Cassidy, Blackmore’s attorney and Jake’s fiancée. A tall woman with blonde hair and blue tips named Eliza is also in attendance. Apparently, she’s one of the executives at the label.

So, the whole fam damily is here. Wonderful.

Once everyone gets settled, Cassidy starts the meeting.

“So, as everyone knows, there have been stories about the band, particularly about Jake and Cooper, in the tabloids over the last few months. And specifically in Blindsided.” We all nod. This is not news to any of us. “And I know you probably have questions about what we can do legally about the stories.”

“Please tell me we can sue Nyx seven ways to Sunday,” Mac growls. “That bitch has made our lives hell.”

Jake and I share a look, knowing we’ve been on the receiving end of that hell more than most. We never really talked about it though. It all happened so close to Andy’s death, and everything about us was fucked up then. We never discussed how it was affecting us individually. With our brand-spanking new record deal, the band was our main priority. We, as people, were secondary.

Cassidy winces a little at Mac’s bloodthirst. “Well, here’s the thing…”

“Welp, so much for that,” Remy snaps, throwing his hands up, already giving in to defeat.

“No, wait,” Eliza says, trying to calm us all down. “Hear what Cassidy has to say on this, okay?”

“The thing is, defamation cases are challenging to pursue with any success.” She swallows hard, and I can tell she hates to be the bearer of bad news. “And we would need to prove harm, which means experts would need to do assessments…”

“Psychological?” I ask, already knowing the answer.


“Fuck no,” Jake and I say in unison.

Everyone shifts their gazes between us curiously but doesn’t say anything.

“There’s no way I’m letting any assessment of my personal shit become public record anywhere,” I say directly to Cassidy, avoiding everyone else. “That’s a real quick no.”

“But Cooper, we can’t let Nyx get away with this--” Mac’s hackles are raised. Her protective streak is a mile wide when it comes to us. I appreciate that, but I am protecting myself here.

“Can’t we?” Jake asks, looking at us in question. “She’s gone this long without repercussion. And she’s so far removed from us now, there’s no way she has anything new to sell. Or at least anything anyone would want to buy.”

“That hasn’t stopped her so far,” I say. I see what he’s saying, but she’s been running on fumes for months and is still cashing in. This whole thing is messed up.

“What do you suggest?” Skyler asks. Level-headed, as always. “Do you have something in mind?”

“I do,” Cassidy says cautiously, and I get the sense we won’t like what she says next. “I want to make a deal with Nyx.”

The room erupts into chaos, with everyone in the band standing and shouting that there is no way in hell we’re going to make a deal with the devil. Eliza and Cassidy are trying their best to calm everybody down. And Mackenzie sits and stares silently at nothing, too stunned by the idea.

After the initial explosion of emotions, Mac puts two fingers to her mouth and whistles loudly, effectively shutting us all up.

“Guys. Chill the fuck out.” She waits for us all to take our seats before continuing. “Let’s hear Cassidy’s reasoning before we all go nuts, okay? Go ahead. Convince us.”
