Page 143 of Irresistible Rogue

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And I’d never had a pleasure as sweet as Jolie Vola.

Every time that realization hit me, it kinda knocked the wind out of me. And it was happening every time I thought about her. Like right now.

I was craving it, fucking jonesing for her sweetness.

It was becoming a bit of a problem. Especially since I couldn’t seem to get my hands on her.

The waitress delivered our drinks, and Dane returned, frowning at his. It was tall, in an oversized cocktail bowl, and it was pink. Decorated with a pineapple slice and a twirly straw. “What’s this?”

“That’s your punishment for taking a business call at Shane’s birthday party,” Lex said, taking a nice swig of his beer.

Dane kinda rolled this eyes. He took a sip through the straw. “Tastes like…” He took another sip. “Pomegranate and perfume.”

“Haven’t you heard?” I told him, “Real men don’t use straws.”

“Drink it or it gets worse next time,” Lex said pleasantly.

Dane plucked out the straw and tossed it aside, and when he picked up the glass to take a sip out of it, he looked even more ridiculous. Lex whipped out his phone and took a picture.

“While you enjoy your entertainment at my expense,” Dane said dryly, “I have gossip. Of the business variety.”

“Don’t even try to be taken seriously while you sip that thing,” his brother said.

Dane set his drink down. “Your big brother is about to enter billionaire territory.” He was looking at me.

I knew exactly who he was talking about. Joss was wealthy but not nearly that wealthy.

“Brandon?” Lex said.

“That’s the word on the street.”

“I didn’t know bespoke-suit-wearing billionaires hung out on the street,” I said cooly.

“Okay, so, that’s the word I got around the poker table at the yacht club last night.”

Lex chuckled. “For real?”

“Yup,” Dane said. “I get invited to such things. Anyway, rumor is he just bought another tech company, this time for upper nine figures. I mean, I don’t have his bank statements or anything. But Brandon Ellis is obviously well on his way to becoming a billionaire. If he’s not there already. That’s the buzz.”

“Good for him,” I said flatly. “He can be as boring as you.”

“That guy annoys me,” he said.

“Why? ’Cause he’s made his own money instead of inheriting it from Grandma?” Lex teased his brother.

It was true, the Ellis family had money. But Dad and Brandon had made most of it themselves. I had no idea Brandon was inching toward billionaire bank, though. But they’d always been so protective of their privacy around outsiders. Even me. Brandon could become a billionaire and I’d probably never even know it unless someone told me.

“He’s worked hard,” I said neutrally. “And he’s always wanted to be a big man in business and make those billions, just like you, Dane. You have a shit-ton in common. You should really be friends.”

“Yeah, but then you’d disown me.”

“I don’t mind Brandon,” I said.

“Since when?”

“Since who cares. He’s the one who has a problem with me, not the other way around.”

Dane exchanged a look with Lex that I didn’t like. I knew I was still being bitchy, but I was in a mood. They’d get used to it.
