Page 240 of Irresistible Rogue

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I wanted to feel her coming for me.

I slipped my fingers between her legs, massaging her clit, and wrapped my other hand around her throat when she sighed.

“Come for me, Jolie.”

Her hands grabbed my biceps and gripped tight. “My legs will give out. I’ll fall.” Her body quivered as I rubbed her.

“You won’t fall. I’ve got you, and you’re strong. Come for me.”

I worked her wet clit with my fingers, gently, until I could see that look in her eyes I knew so well. I could hear it in her excited breaths. I could feel her body shaking.

I could feel the pleasure, when it snapped right through her.

I lapped my tongue through her mouth, kissing her slow and deep through her orgasm. When she finished, she was panting softly, still gripping my arms.

And I couldn’t take anymore.

I turned off the shower and dried us off, quickly. Then I picked her up, hiking her legs around my hips. She held on tight as I carried her out to the bed. I tossed her on it, falling on top of her.

Then I shoved my cock into her warmth and kissed her again, screwing my tongue into her soft mouth.

We fucked, deep and slow, kissing each other like every kiss was our next breath. Like we were each other’s air. Until she came again, and the feel of her body convulsing in ecstasy beneath me took me over. I came, jerking into her, burying myself in her tight heat as the rush sent me spinning—head over heels.

I was fucking head over heels in love with Jolie Vola.

If this was love, I was just gonna take everything I could get tonight. I was going to give her everything I could. So I kissed her like a man who was afraid I might never get to kiss her again. Because I fucking loved her.

It didn’t even matter if she didn’t love me. If she couldn’t ever love me because of who I was, who my father was.

For once, I was going to be fearless and just love her anyway.

And true love was selfless, right?

Letting her go would be the hardest thing I ever did.

I knew that now, here in her arms.

Harder than putting my life back together after it all crashed apart on that mountain road. Because without her…

I wasn’t even sure if I’d be able to put myself back together, after breaking like that. The way I knew I was gonna break when she left.

* * *

Afterwards, I tucked her body tight against mine under the covers. She didn’t say a word, except for when she sighed my name.Shane.She clung to me, breathing softly as I stroked her back, and after a bit, she fell asleep.

It always seemed easy for her to sleep in my arms. I liked to think it was because she was so satisfied, but maybe it was better than that. Maybe she felt safe with me.

I hoped she did. I hoped she’d learned that I would never hurt her on purpose.

And I’d never force her to do anything, including love me.

As I held her, I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t bear to let her go, but I knew I had to. For once, I had to do the selfless thing. My life wasn’t just about me. It was about the people who cared about me, too.

If I really cared about them, I had to know when to put them first.

I had to give her what she needed, which was her freedom. Her life down in California; the life she chose.

But it didn’t mean we couldn’t see each other again. I could fly down to see her. We could still work things out, if she actually wanted to keep seeing me. I knew it would be hard. I knew she felt like it had to be a secret, like our families wouldn’t understand or support it.
