Page 53 of Irresistible Rogue

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“What?” Jolie barked irritably, rounding on me as I did up my belt. I got a glimpse of her peach bikini peeking out between her legs before she tugged her shirt down a bit and my eyes drifted up to her face.

“Did anyone ever teach you how to throw a punch?”

“What kind of question is that? Why would I need to throw a punch?”

“If you ask me, all women should get fight training, for self-defense. You really don’t know what it’s gonna be like to get hit until you’re hit.”

She looked at me like I was a woman-beater or something.

“You go around inviting guys into pool houses,” I elaborated, “for private conversations, while your ass is showing, maybe guys get the wrong idea.”

“My ass isn’t ‘showing.’ I’m wearing a bikini by a pool. With a shirt over it. It’s not an invitation.”

“I never said it was. Shit is in the mind of the beholder, right?”

“How the hell did we get onto this?”

“I guess the sight of your ass just made me think about punching things. There really is a fine line between sex and violence, isn’t there?”

“You know, every time your mouth opens and shit pours out, I can’t even figure out which part offends me most.”

“I guess you need to think faster.”

“And why would someone need to ‘teach’ me how to throw a punch? You’re assuming that I need a man to teach me that kind of thing?”

“So now I’m sexist.”

“No, you were probably always sexist. I just pointed it out.”

“Ineeded a man to teach me how to throw a punch.”

“Maybe I don’t. Maybe I have an innate ability to know exactly how to knock a guy on his ass if he gets out of line.”

I laughed. Looking at her, there was probably a zero percent chance that was true. But the interesting thing about all her spitfire and bravado right now was that this was not the same girl I met four years ago in that bar. Which either meant she’d drastically changed or, more likely, I was drawing something out in her right now that was not typical.

Either way, it was amusing.

“I’m here to tell you,” I informed her, “that there is no way that you could knock a grown man on his ass with one punch,little girl.”

I drew out those last two words to make sure she absorbed them fully.

Oh, she was fucking broiling now.

“Do not. Ever. Call me. A little girl. Again.”

Yup. I enjoyed pissing her off.

Why not? She’d pissed me off plenty.

“Why? Does it turn you on?”

She took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled. “Look. I realize that you are very possibly the offspring of a rabid wolf and a swamp troll. So it’s difficult for you to have an adult human conversation with actual adult humans without being completely disgusting. All I need to know from you is why you didn’t show up at the suit fitting that I arranged for you this week like you said you were going to.”

Really? That was what was up that sweet ass of hers right now?

“I guess I had something better to do.”

“Oh. I see. Like getting punched in the face and fucking a girl on a Lamborghini. Stuff like that.”
