Page 25 of Jaylen

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His expression became quizzical. “You are implying that I was in complete control of my faculties. You were the one who begged me to marry you.”

Her eyes flashed. “I did not beg—”

“Pleaded. And how could I resist a damsel in distress?”

“You are an asshole.”

“And you, darling, are beautiful when you are angry.”

“Oh, leave me the hell alone.” She started to unbuckle her seatbelt when the light flashed on and the flight attendant hurried over.

“We are experiencing some turbulence and the pilot is asking that you remain seated.”

“Thank you.” Jaylen gave the woman a charming smile before turning his attention to Anika.

“Where were you going?”

“Far away from you.” Setting her seat upright, she turned her head away from him.

“And now you are stuck. Want me to hold your hand?”

“I don’t want you touching me.”

“You seem a little nettled. Not a frequent flier, are you?”

She did not respond but felt her stomach clenched when the aircraft shuddered.

“We should remedy that.”

Her hands clenched as the plane seemed to dip. She barely managed to stifle a scream as the plane lurched. Her hand flew out and he grabbed it, wincing slightly when she dug her nails into his palm.

“It’s going to be fine," he told her soothingly.

“How do you know?”

“I have been through worse. I should tell you about the time I was going to Mexico for a shoot.”

The plane dipped again and this time she lifted the armrest and burrowed her face in his chest. He held her, rubbing her back slowly. He felt….protective, for want of a better term.

He could feel the tremors in her slender body and wanted to slay dragons for her. The thought of it, had him frowning. She brought out strong feelings inside him, feelings he was certain he wanted to explore just now.

“There now,” he whispered. “We are okay.” He listened to the pilot announcing that they would be landing soon and that they had cleared the sudden storm.

“It’s over.”

She took a few minutes and just stayed where she was and he found himself wishing that he could hold her like this forever. The thought jarred him so much that he felt his heart hammering inside his chest.

Lifting her head, she gave him a strange look before settling back against her seat.

“Thank you," she told him formally.

“You are welcome.” He gave her a measured look. “Want a shot of brandy?”

She laughed, the tension loosening inside her chest. “I will pass. Thanks.”

“We are about to land.”

She nodded and turned her head to look out the porthole. His cologne was clinging to her and was all she could smell. He had held her and, in his arms, she had found a sense of peace and calm, something that had surprised her.
