Page 47 of Jaylen

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And yes, she had ventured into dangerous territory. She was yearning for him, the thought of spending a week away from him was making her crazy. She poured her confusion, her desperation into the kiss and had him growling deep inside his throat.

His fingers bit into her back before drifting down to her taut buttocks. He wanted to be with her, sink himself deep into her, and for the first time, he resented his career. He wanted to say to hell with everything and stay.

She was his wife. The insistent ringing of the phone pulled them apart. Easing out of his arms a little, she leaned over to answer. "Yes?" She had to clear her throat and her fingers were trembling. She listened for a minute before hanging up.

"Your car is waiting."

"It can wait." He pulled her back in and kissed her again, the passion only increasing.

"A week you say?" She was breathless and flushed and horny. God, the thrill of it. She felt giddy, she had never been giddy before. Not over a man.

"Yes." He stepped away and it took willpower to do so. He felt angry and confused. And it was mixed in with the terrible passion he was feeling. No other woman would do. "If you can manage, will you come?"


"It could be our second honeymoon." The pleading look on his face tore at her.

"What are we doing?"

"Being married."

"We are—"

"Don't!" His sharp tone had her jumping. "Don't stand there and tell me that you don't feel it, Anika. It's unbearable."

She stared at him with huge eyes, feeling weepy and weak. "We don't belong together."

"And yet here we are." He dragged restless fingers through his hair. "Miss me." He hauled her into his arms and kissed her with heat.

And then he was gone, leaving her sitting on the edge of her desk shaking. It was a few minutes before she could compose herself enough to go and do the work, and even so, she could not concentrate. Damn him.


He did not speak to anyone. All through the flight, he pretended to be asleep. He could hear the rest of the crew chatting and laughing, but his mind was on her. He felt like he had left his heart right there inside her office. He had wanted to go back and just say to hell with it.

But he had a contract and he was never one to shirk his duty. But he missed her like crazy. A smile curved his lips as he recalled snatches of conversation. She made him laugh, and made him feel good about himself. With her, he did not have to pretend.

He felt when someone came and sat next to him, but did not open his eyes.

"I brought you some champagne."

"I am not thirsty."

"You seem out of sorts."

His eyes popped open and he turned his head to look at the very interesting and striking face of the Amazon-like woman seated next to him. He had idly contemplated taking her up on her offer for a relationship several months ago.

"I am fine." He took the champagne from her and sipped.

"You are married."

"I am." He inclined his head mockingly.

"A sudden wedding, in an Italian chapel." She stretched her long graceful legs out. Even though it was cold, she was wearing a crotch-riding pair of denim shorts and a long cashmere jacket. She was rail thin, with hints of curves.

And she had a brain. Lila was a Harvard graduate and came from money, like him. One of the reasons, he had been drawn to her. And they worked well together.

"I could not wait to make her mine." He realized that he could say it now without it being a lie.
