Page 81 of Jaylen

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“We need to go and find her—"His phone rang and he dragged it out of his jacket pocket.


“Jaylen?” her voice was low, but he would have recognized it anywhere. His knees buckled and he had to brace a hand against the rough log.

“Anika, darling is that you? Where are you?”

“I don’t know.” He heard when she swallowed. “I am at a diner. Here is the owner.”

“This is Annie. Is this the husband?”

“Yes. Where are you?”

“A couple of miles from that cabin she described. It’s tucked away from the road, so I have to give you directions.”

“How is she?” he asked hoarsely.

“She is all battered and tired. I fed her and she is almost dropping on her feet. Honey. Go lie down until that man of yours gets here. Let me tell you where we are.”


He jumped out of the vehicle almost before it stopped and Annie was waiting for him.

“Where is she?”

“Come with me.” The ample woman turned and led the way into a small room.

She was fast asleep and he felt the anger and tears as he stared at her curled under the blankets. Her wrists were swollen and bruised and so was her face. Her eyes flew open and she started crying.

“Hush darling.” Springing forward, he gathered her carefully into his arms and rocked her as she sobbed into his sweater.

“The ambulance is on its way.” The detective said as he came into the room.

“I want to go home.”

“They need to check you out, darling.”

She clung to him. “Don’t leave.”

“As if I would.” He lifted her into his arms, stopping to talk to Annie. “Whatever I can do for you, just say the word," he told her humbly. “You saved her life.”

“What any decent human being would do,” the woman told him dismissively.

“No. You don’t understand,she is my life—"he buried his face in her hair and took a breath to steady himself.

“Isn’t he the sweetest?” Anika whispered. “Annie, we owe you. Do you have a card?”

“Yes. But you don’t owe me anything.” She bustled away to grab a card and handed it to him.

“Thank you,” Jaylen told her.

“And take care of yourself and that baby of yours.”

By this time, the ambulance had pulled up outside.


“How is she?” Corey came rushing into the private waiting room where a small crowd was gathered which included Kelly, Leesa, and his dad, as well as Brandy.
