Page 89 of Jaylen

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She gripped his wrist, fingers biting into his flesh. “I am. Darling- Oh!” Her hips lifted as he increased the pace. “I can’t.”

“You can. “His body was shuddering with the effort it was taking to keep his desire in check.

“You can. I am going to pleasure you until you are mindless with need.” He picked up the speed, thumb rubbing the swollen flesh.

She screamed, her body lifting as the climax slammed into her with a violence that left her breathless.

He waited her out, before pulling his fingers out and using them to lubricate the tip of him slowly. Lifting his head, he caught her watching him, and her eyes on his cock left it throbbing. Taking her hand, he wrapped it around the pulsating shaft and squeezed.

“I love the feel of your fingers on me.” His breath was coming fast and he felt as if his chest was bursting. “But more than that, I love to feel your tightness wrapped around me.”

“I need that, I need it now.”

“I do too.” Removing her hand, he turned her onto her side and guided himself in. It always took him by surprise, always a shock to his system—her tightness and the effect of him sliding into her silky moisture. And he had to take a minute, his body jerking in awareness.

Twisting her head, she sought and found his lips, sinking into the torrid kiss as he started to move. He pressed one hand possessively over her bump. She came again, body bucking against his as the climax overwhelmed her.

He held her, lips locked against hers, tongue darting into her mouth and savoring hers. She was trembling, her moans swallowed inside his mouth. it did not take long for him to erupt.

Dragging his lips from hers, he buried his face into the back of her neck as the climax pommeled him to pieces. He poured himself into her, his body shaking—heart hammering. He breathed in her scent as he held her against him and could not find the strength to move.

“I think we should sleep like this," he finally said weakly.

“I have no objections to that.” Her fingers slid over his, joining both of theirs. “It feels wonderful.”

“Hmm.” He was nibbling the back of her neck. “Go to sleep.”

“In a minute.”

“We have been up since dawn. This is our honeymoon.”

“And we are entitled to enjoy every minute of it," she reminded him.

“And we should also get some rest.” He took her left hand, his fingers going over the slight abrasions that had not quite healed. “It reminds me.”

“I know.” She met his eyes. “And I am fine.”

“It still bothers me.” Lifting her hand, he kissed the faint marks tenderly. “I never want to see you hurt by anything, not by anyone.”

Tears blurred her vision. “We are going to hurt each other with our words eventually. We are going to disagree and argue about bringing up our son. I am going to want to poke the eyes out of all the women looking at you and probably, possibly piss you off or annoy you before my pregnancy is over.”

“And I will love you through all the difficult moments," he promised her thickly. “Nothing is worse, nothing is bad as long as we are together. Even the terrible moments will be bearable as long as we are together.”

The tears slid down her cheeks. “I often questioned whether or not I deserve complete happiness. I just wanted to get through life. When I left the home, Corey and I rejoiced, we ate a whole pizza and he let me have beer. It tasted horrible at the time, but I drank it just the same.” The tears were coming harder by now.

“And that day to me was the best. When I went through college and got my degrees, that was another milestone and when I was hired by your dad’s company, I figured that was the pinnacle. There was no further I could go.” She was choking back sobs.

“I never expected anything like this. I never expected you. I am overwhelmed, I am so overcome with love and happiness and being with you that I can hardly breathe.” She blinked the tears away.

He finally eased out of her so that he could turn her to face him.

“No.” She shook her head when he would have pressed her face into his chest. “Let me finish.” Her fingers touched his chest. “I love you so much that I feel it everywhere. Not just my heart. But every fiber of my being.”

She laughed suddenly as he wiped the tears away. “Now I know what true happiness is, and you and our baby are the most important and will always be the most important people in my life.”

Using the pads of his thumbs, he wiped away the moisture from her tears, his touch gentle and his own green eyes bright with emotions. “I was restless and angry for a long time.

I hated my dad for never being there and leaving everything for my mother to pick up the slack. I knew he was having affairs and it turned me off. It made me cynical and thought that relationships, marriages would not last.
