Page 11 of More Than Enough

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“I live in the next town over, so I went to school there. I needed a job while I was in college and came in here asking. You had just gone back to school, so I stepped right in to the job you vacated. Mrs. Stanzel invited me to church one Sunday, so I started attending. I live with my grandmother, and she doesn’t attend anymore. It’s too much for her to get out, but I like it. Pastor John has good sermons, and I’m involved with the young adult group. Hey, you should come one Sunday with me.”

“I was thinking about it. I might do that. Where do you attend college?”

“I attend the community college. It’s not great, but it’s cheap, and I get to stay home and help my grandmother, and that saves me even more money. I’m taking General Studies right now. I know a college education is important; I’m just not sure what my purpose is yet. Sometimes I think I might like social work, but I’m not sure. I bet you’ve had a blast at the university. Independence, no parents, lots of hot guys. I miss that social part. There isn’t anything like that at the community college. But congrats on graduating. I cannot wait until I finish.”

Elizabeth laughed at the excitement Jessica had when talking about what she thought college was like. Elizabeth stopped eating and noticed she was getting those butterflies again. It must be because of the subject they were talking about.

“Thanks. It was alright. Sometimes it was a bit overwhelming, and you wish you had your own space.” Laughing again, she admitted, “yes, there are a lot of social activities which take up a lot of time. Sometimes, too much time, and the guys are hot, but they also tend to be a little stuck on themselves, and not many are interested in anything but one-night stands.”

“So, there wasn’t one guy that took up your time?”

Elizabeth stopped eating and thought about that question. A head of unruly, long, brown curls came to her mind. A smile played on her lips as she thought of Brady.

Suddenly, Elizabeth felt like her sandwich was not agreeing with her. Placing her hand on her stomach, she excused herself, and took a quick trip to the bathroom, where she found herself, once again, looking into a toilet bowl.

For the second time in two days, Elizabeth was telling someone on the other side of the door that she was fine. She cleaned up, rinsed her mouth, and exited the bathroom.

“Are you sure you’re, okay? Should I tell Mrs. S. that you need to go home?” Jessica asked with concern.

“No, no, I’m fine. Just haven’t been feeling great the past couple days.” Elizabeth smiled what she hoped was a believable smile and drank the rest of her soda.

Since she was not able to stomach eating the rest of her lunch, she headed out to the front to get back to work.

The afternoon was filled with Elizabeth learning the cash register again, getting to know Jessica, redoing some displays, and putting out merchandise.

“Wow! It’s already four o’clock, girls. Today has flown by.” Mrs. Stanzel commented as she was breaking down empty boxes and placing them in a pile to recycle. “I’ll start closing out the drawer. If you two straighten the shelves, maybe we can get out of here at five on the dot.”

She left the front of the store and went into her office.

The door chime caught the attention of Jessica and Elizabeth. The first thing Elizabeth noticed was a head of blonde hair, followed by an overly cheery laugh, which made her stomach clench.

“Hi, Jessica.” Elizabeth heard Stacey’s voice enter the store following right behind Kristen, the owner of the blonde head of hair and annoying laugh.

“Hey, Stacey. What brings you in?” Jessica replied.

“Oh, just wasting time. I have some extra money to spend, and I need something cute to wear. What better place to go than here?”

Stacey wandered into the store, headed straight for the summer dresses and sandals display which Elizabeth just finished stocking and arranging.

“Elizabeth, I didn’t know you worked here.” Commented Stacey when she saw Elizabeth organizing a clothes rack.

“Yep. I worked here during high school and quit when I left for college. I saw Mrs. Stanzel in church, and she asked if I’d like to come back to work. So, here I am.” Elizabeth finished up with what she was doing and looked at Stacey with a smile.

“Speaking of church, my brother told us he talked to you afterward, yesterday.”

“He told you he talked to me?” Elizabeth asked, confused.

“Well, of course,” replied Stacey. “He said you were feeling better. I hope you’re still feeling okay today.”

“Yeah I…”

“She isn’t feeling too great, Stacey. She got sick when we were on our lunch break.” Jessica interrupted. Elizabeth sighed, a little frustrated and embarrassed.

“Seriously! What is wrong with you? What kind of disease did you bring home from that big fancy college you’re attending?” Kristen interrupted the conversation with this remark, rolled her eyes as she stood away from the group, and stared at Elizabeth with a look of disdain on her face.

“I seriously don’t know how he could be concerned about you. We have known you for, what? Just a few hours, and you are nothing but a walking germ. Oh well, he can’t be too interested. He kissed me Saturday night. Mmm —If Chad hadn’t interrupted us, who knows, we could have landed back in his bed.”

“Kristen!” yelled Jessica. “You are the rudest person I have ever known. Can’t you find better friends, Stacey? I really don’t understand it. If Jacob is concerned about Elizabeth, it’s because he is a good guy who has a heart of gold. That is something you sure don’t understand. If he kissed you, he had too much to drink, again. And I am sure you had something to do with it. Slumming is usually not his style.” Jessica directed these statements to Kristen with as much venom and rude demeanor as her sweet personality could possess.
