Page 10 of More Than Enough

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She placed her hand on his cheek and slid it down to his chin, rubbed her thumb over his bottom lip, and stared deep into his eyes. She held his gaze for a long second, then turned away from him, focusing on the pizza just placed on the table, throwing her hair over her shoulder, showing off a well-tanned shoulder blade.

As usual, she was as scantily dressed as one could be and still be considered dressed—A tight top with spaghetti straps and lots of cleavage. Jacob glanced at that cleavage, looked away, rolled his eyes at the two across the table, and moved as far over as the small, crowded booth would allow.

Chad served pizza all around, and Stacey changed the subject. They started talking about the reality TV show they were all into and what they thought would happen on the newest episode.

Kristen threw in comments based on who she thought looked good, how the girls dressed, and who should end up with who. Jacob was only partly listening as he ate his pizza.

He couldn’t seem to keep his mind from wandering back to Elizabeth, her looks, and her smile.

Just thinking about her sent tingles of pleasure throughout his body.

At church Sunday, Barbara Stanzel, Elizabeth’s old boss, asked her if she could stop by the boutique Monday morning around nine a.m. just before they opened. Elizabeth said she would love to. Getting right to work was exactly what she needed to get her mind off things. Starting summer break with a plan and a job sounded wonderful. She could use the extra cash.

After her encounter with Jacob and Chad, Elizabeth went to the Mainstreet Deli, picked up subs and sodas, then went home and sat on the couch with her parents eating subs, drinking soda, and watching some of their favorite movies.

It was a great afternoon, and something she really needed. Laughing, relaxing, and eating with her favorite people was a great way to spend a Sunday.

Elizabeth was well rested when she woke up Monday morning.

She woke up early so she could get ready for her first day of work at the boutique. It took her a while to get moving, but a nice hot shower did her a world of good and a cup of coffee, and a cinnamon bagel with cream cheese put her stomach at ease. “I am sure I just feel queasy out of nerves. Starting something new always puts butterflies in my stomach.”

Elizabeth pulled into the parking lot of the boutique just after nine.She climbed out of the car, smoothed out her long summer dress, glanced down at her cute sandals, checked her reflection in her side mirror one last time, and headed on in.

The boutique smelled amazing. She really needed to find out what the scent was that Mrs. Stanzel kept in the wax warmers throughout the store. It has always been the same and brought Elizabeth back to happy times working at the boutique on Main Street.

As she walked through the store, she noticed it was filled with the newest styles of dresses, capris, and tops. Jewelry booths filled the entrance of the store, and there were racks of hats and scarves throughout, also.

“Good morning, Elizabeth. Look around. I have added quite a bit of new items since you were last here. I’ll be right with you once I count the drawer.”

Barbara Stanzel, the owner of the boutique, was a petite woman, about five-feet, three-inches and 120 pounds. She had shoulder-length dark hair, and if you looked close enough, you could see a few strands of gray.

Since Mrs. Stanzel was almost sixty, Elizabeth was always amazed at how young she looked. The big question on everyone’s mind was if she colored her hair, but no one was sure.

“Okay, Mrs. Stanzel.” Elizabeth continued her stroll around the store. She found herself in a newer section with knick-knacks and home decor. There were those faceless angels she had seen in other stores, the ones with little cards that have bible verses on them, and there were wooden signs scattered around. She also looked at the large selection of scented candles, and wooden wind chimes.

Elizabeth couldn’t help but love the look the store had now. She would say it was new, but it could just be new to her.

Mrs. Stanzel found Elizabeth among the knick-knacks and gave her a huge hug. Huge for a small petite woman. “I am so glad you decided to come back to work. I’ve missed you around here.”

Mrs. Stanzel gave Elizabeth a quick tour of the store, all the new items, information about what things are, and then signed her into the computer.

“I never took your information out of the computer, so signing in is the same as it always was. I guess I always knew you’d be back.” Barbara flashed her newest employee a happy smile and patted Elizabeth on the arm. “We have some new merchandise we need to get out on the shelves today. We might need to make room and move some things around. I know your gift for organization and color will help us achieve this in no time.”

Barbara and Elizabeth went into the storeroom and brought out some boxes of merchandise. Just as Elizabeth opened them and started going through the contents, the door chimed again, and in walked a petite and pretty girl with long straight brown hair pulled up in a messy ponytail. She was wearing printed capris with a matching salmon-colored tank top.

“Good morning, Mrs. Stanzel.” The girl’s voice was sweet and cherub-like. When she noticed Elizabeth, her eyes danced with excitement, and she floated over to where Elizabeth was standing among the boxes. “Hi. You must be Elizabeth. Mrs. Stanzel pointed you out to me at church and told me you were starting back here today.”

The girl stuck out her hand in greeting. “My name’s Jessica. I was your replacement when you left for school. I’m so glad to meet you.”

Elizabeth shook her hand and couldn’t help but smile. “Thank you. It’s good to meet you, too.”

There was something about Jessica she already liked. She brightened up the room just by walking into it, and she seemed so genuine.

Both girls went to work placing the new merchandise on the shelf and had no problem making small talk and getting to know each other.

At ten o’clock the store opened. Jessica helped the few customers they had throughout the morning while Elizabeth busied herself with the new merchandise. They sang to the music which floated through the speakers throughout the store while working, and were able to break about noon, while Mrs. Stanzel manned the front.

“Wow. I forgot how much I enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of this place,” said Elizabeth through bites of her sandwich. “So, Jessica, I know you live around here and that you go to the church, but I don’t think we’ve ever met.”
