Page 2 of More Than Enough

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“I went by the boutique yesterday. Barbara asked me what your plans are this summer and how long you plan on being at home. I know it’s not your dream job, but she has your old job available, at least for the summer, if you are interested.” Charlotte mentioned while she settled in at the table next to Elizbeth to eat her now lukewarm pancakes.

“I was thinking of finding out if she needed any help again this year. It’s not great money, but I already know the ins and outs of working there, and I get an awesome discount, so that’s always a plus. It’ll give me something to do while I look for real employment. I’ll stop by Monday. I’m gonna take the weekend to relax and get organized.” Elizabeth finished her pancakes and juice and placed her dishes in the sink. “Thanks, Mom. Breakfast was delicious. I guess I’ll go grab some clothes from the car. I need to take a shower.”

“Here, Hon, I’ll help you.” Jackson got up from his seat at the counter and followed his daughter outside.

It was a beautiful early summer day. The sun was shining brightly, there was a light breeze blowing through the trees, birds were chirping, and the neighborhood dogs were barking.

As Elizabeth led the way toward her car and opened her door, a pretty, girl with light brown/ almost blonde hair, about her age yelled from across the driveway and waved.

“Good morning, Mr. Parks. How are you today?”

“Hi, Stacey. I’m doing well. How could I be any different? The day is perfect, and my daughter is home.”

Stacey, all smiles, showing a perfect set of white teeth, walked quickly toward Mr. Parks as he talked and extended her hand toward Elizabeth.

“Hi. I’m Stacey. You must be Elizabeth. Your dad talks about you all the time and told me you were coming home this weekend.”

Elizabeth extended her hand to the pretty girl, a little insecurely, offered a smile, and shook her hand. “Hi, Stacey. Nice to meet you.”

Jackson intervened. “Elizabeth, this is our neighbor, Stacey Kempt. Stacey works at County Hospital as a nurse. Stacey, my amazing and beautiful daughter, Elizabeth, or as I affectionately call her, Lilly Billy. Our new college graduate.” Mr. Parks said the latter as if he was introducing royalty and placed his arm over his daughter’s shoulder pulling her in for an affectionate side hug.

“Dad, don’t be so dramatic.” Elizabeth rolled her eyes.

“Your dad is always the dramatic one.” Stacey responded with a smile. “Here, let me help you with some of these bags.”

Jackson moved boxes and suitcases onto the porch, while the girls carried them upstairs to Elizabeth’s room.Stacey took a walk around and admired the pictures in frames, stacks of books on the dresser, and college paraphernalia which adorned the walls.“Cute room you’ve got here.”

“Yeah, thanks. I haven’t done much here since I left for college. I think this summer, I’ll get organized a little, start packing some things away in storage and throwing away the junk. I’ll be ready to move out as soon as I get a real job, and my parents won’t want to deal with any of this.”

Elizabeth dropped the suitcases she was carrying on the floor in the corner and plopped herself down onto her bed; Stacey placed the suitcases she was carrying in the corner, also, then turned to Elizabeth.

“I know you just got home and all, but I am having some friends over tonight to celebrate the beginning of summer. I’d love for you to come, it’s not a big deal. Just friends, food, and drinks. What do you say?”

Elizabeth took some time to think about it. Stacey seemed like a good person—mature, responsible. Maybe being around a new group of people, not college age, would be a good change. “Sure. Why not? Sounds like a good time.”

“Great,” replied Stacey showing a mouth of perfect teeth. “I’m glad you’ll be there. Everyone’s coming over around eight thirty. Come then, or feel free to come earlier. You can help me set up. My door is always open!”

Stacey waved as she skipped out of the room and down the steps. Elizabeth heard her say goodbye to her parents as she walked out the door.

“Well, I guess I have time to take a nap—it’s been a long day—then go hang with mom and dad before I go out tonight,” Elizabeth said as she laid back on her bed and closed her eyes.

Slowly rolling off her bed and onto her wobbly feet, Elizabeth wiped the sleep from her eyes. She stretched to wake up her tired muscles and caught her reflection in her mirror. Seeing her unruly hair, she tried to run her fingers through it, failing miserably as they got caught in a mass of tangles. Giving up, she rubbed her hands over her face trying to rub away what was left of the sleepiness.

Feeling like she had slept forever, she glanced at her phone and noticed the time. It was already three o’clock. She had slept most of the day.

Shocked at her laziness, she quickly unpacked her clothes into the dresser drawers and closet and threw clothes that had been stashed away, yet she no longer wanted, onto the floor; she would donate them later.

Remembering the party she planned to go to, Elizabeth jumped in a hot shower, and let the water run down her body to wash the road and sleep away.

Clean and slightly refreshed, she grabbed a pair of jeans and threw on a spaghetti strap tank top that bloused at the waist. With a pair of sandals on her feet, she wandered slowly downstairs to see if her mom needed any help in the kitchen.

“Well, hello there, Sleeping Beauty. Glad to see you are still with us.” Her mother greeted her as Elizabeth grabbed a can of Diet Coke from the refrigerator and sat at the kitchen counter. “Don’t you look nice.” Mrs. Parks commented over her shoulder at her daughter.

Stifling a yawn, Elizabeth smiled at her mom, took a big gulp of the cold, fizzy liquid, and hoped the caffeine would give her a jolt. “Thanks. Anyway, what’s for dinner? It smells delicious. Is it meatloaf with mashed potatoes and green beans?”

“Of course. It is still your favorite, isn’t it?”

“Only when you make it, Mom.” Elizabeth smiled at her mother. “Can I help with anything?”
