Page 20 of More Than Enough

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Elizabeth hung up the phone and Deloris wrote the name down, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. “Thank you, Lord!’

She got up from her desk chair and gave the note to Jessica, the office assistant.

“Jessica, this is the name of the girl who I was just talking to. Thank you for getting me on the phone quickly. She was very nervous, and very scared, but she is coming in. She will be here in about fifteen minutes. Let’s make sure to welcome her and make her feel comfortable.”

“That is such good news! You truly have a gift for talking to people.” Jessica smiled at her boss.

She loved how happy and joyous Mrs. Green always was. She was the reason Jessica was considering getting into social work one day. She enjoyed working here and learning from this amazing lady.

Jessica headed toward the reception desk to write the new appointment in the books and get some paperwork ready.

She glanced down at the piece of paper when she opened the computer’s calendar. The name of their new appointment was Elizabeth. Jessica turned to her computer and wrote down the name Elizabeth, on Monday, 4:00 p.m.

It was just 3:45 p.m. when Elizabeth pulled into a parking spot at the Crisis Pregnancy Center. It was a quaint two-story house in a part of town that had old houses all converted into businesses.

The Crisis Pregnancy Center was a red brick house with black shutters. There was a small front porch with wooden rockers beckoning you to come sit a while. The landscaping was simple and neatly kept, with large flower containers filled with the colors of summer. There was one other car in this part of the parking lot. Since the driveway wound around to the rear of the house, Elizabeth decided that the employees probably parked around back.

Turning in her seat, she noticed that the bushes planted in the front of the property created enough privacy that she would not be seen when she walked into the building. This made her feel a little more at ease. The last thing she needed was someone who knew her parents see her walk in when they drove by.Why wasn’t the customer’s entrance around back?

Taking a deep breath and sipping on the Sprite she bought at the gas station to calm the butterflies in her stomach, Elizabeth slowly and trepidatiously stepped out of the car.

These people are here to help. They understand. It’s their job. They know the best way to deal with this problem. It’s okay. You’ve got this.Elizabeth tried her best to talk herself out of driving away. There was nothing else she could do, and no one else to turn to.

Closing the car door behind her, she walked toward the porch of the center, took a deep breath, climbed the few steps, and opened the bright red front door.

The entrance of the pregnancy center was large, clean, and homey. The receptionist’s area consisted of a wooden welcome desk with a couple of plush chairs and a table between them.

Through a door to the right was a large living room area with windowed pocket doors, which were closed at the moment. Through the door to the left was another room with plush chairs and a couch all around the walls. This must have been an overflow waiting room.

Elizabeth walked up to the desk and waited for the lady to get off the phone. She had a sweet air about her and seemed to be about Elizabeth’s mother’s age. Elizabeth wondered if this was the lady she spoke with on the phone.

“I must let you go; I need to get back to work. I’ll talk with you later.” The lady hung up the phone and smiled brightly at Elizabeth.

Her smile was gentle, understanding, and welcoming all at the same time. It relaxed Elizabeth just a little, but at this point, a little was better than nothing. It seemed like Elizabeth’s butterflies had taken hits of caffeine and had multiplied.

“Welcome to the Crisis Pregnancy Center. I’m Deloris Green, the director. How can I help you today?”

Elizabeth, in a quiet and nervous voice answered, “I…” She stopped and had to clear her throat before she could continue. “I called a little bit ago and was told to come on up. If this is a bad time, I can come back later.”

“Elizabeth, right? I am so glad you made it.” The sweet lady walked quickly around the desk and put her hand out for Elizabeth to shake. I’m Deloris. We talked on the phone.”

Elizabeth took Deloris’ hand and returned the handshake. She instantly felt relaxed and offered up a small smile.

Deloris smiled back. “Please follow me into my office where we can have some privacy.” She walked around the desk and led Elizabeth through the windowed pocket doors. Her office was through the sitting room in the back. She closed her office door, settled in front of a chair across from the couch, and she motioned for Elizabeth to take a seat.

Elizabeth took the seat she was offered on the couch and took the clipboard which Deloris handed to her. “Please fill these out the best you can. I will give you a minute by yourself and will return in a bit. Would you like me to get you a bottle of water?” Elizabeth nodded her head, and Deloris exited the room from a different door at the back.

Sighing deeply and rolling her neck to get the kinks out, Elizabeth started reading and filling out the forms.

The first page was a basic information form. Name, address, phone number, education, etc. The second page started with some personal questions like what brings you here today. That sort of thing. She did her best to fill out the three pages the best she could, and just finished when Deloris came back into the room with a couple bottles of water.

“Are you finished?” Deloris nodded to the informational forms. Elizabeth nodded back and handed them to her.

Deloris got comfortable on the chair across from Elizabeth. She read through the forms quickly, asking some additional questions as she went, and jotting down answers Elizabeth gave.

She eventually got to the question:What is the reason for this visit?

Elizabeth’s answer wasI need information about an abortion. I just found out I am pregnant.
