Page 21 of More Than Enough

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Deloris Green looked directly into Elizabeth’s eyes, laying the clipboard on her lap. “Why do you think an abortion is the answer to your pregnancy? A baby is a gift, whether we understand it or not. I’d like to talk to you first, and when we are finished, if you still think you want an abortion, I will lead you in that direction. But I want you to open your mind to other options.”

Mrs. Green hesitated at this point. Knowing that this was a hard stance to take, she sometimes loses them right here, but in all her years, this is where she gets the response that gives her hope.

If they stay and are willing to listen, she can usually get these scared women to make a better choice. One that not only benefits them in the long run, but also the baby.

Elizabeth looked back into the kind eyes of the lady seated across from her, and once again felt at peace. The same way she felt when she talked with her on the phone.

Elizabeth answered her as honestly as she could. “Mrs. Green, I’m young, not married, and a new college graduate without a good job. I was not planning on this right now. It was an accident. I do not have time for a baby, but…”

Elizabeth nodded her head in agreement and continued. “Okay,” she answered quietly. “I’ll listen.”

Deloris beamed across at Elizabeth. They started talking. Deloris asked questions and Elizabeth answered. Finally, she got to the hard ones. The questions Elizabeth was dreading.

Did she know when she became pregnant?

“Yes, approximately. I was just told I am about thirteen weeks along. So, it was probably the end of February, maybe March.”

Does she know who the father is?

Elizabeth hesitated before she could answer. Tears started streaming down her face, and embarrassment threatened to overwhelm her. Deloris placed a box of tissues on the couch next to her and sat down also.

She took Elizabeth’s hands in hers. “It’s okay. I just need to know these answers. Remember, there is no judgment here, only help.”

Elizabeth pulled a couple tissues from the box, dried her eyes, and wiped her nose. Shaking her head, she answered between sniffles and tears. “Well maybe. I’m pretty sure, I know who it is, but I’m not positive.”

At this, she broke down into terrible sobs. Her whole body shook with the venom that became her embarrassment and tears.

Deloris leaned toward the girl and wrapped her arms around her and let her cry. Patting her and reassuring her. Elizabeth broke away from the hug and apologized.

“I’m sorry. You don’t even know me, and I’m acting like this. My parents would be so ashamed if they knew. I can’t believe this has happened to me! I was always a good girl. I always did what made my parents happy. I never thought I would turn into this—this thing I don’t even know! I hate myself and everything I’ve become!” Elizabeth was now so mad, she felt like she could break something, or better yet hurt someone.

She stood up and began pacing the floor as she yelled these last things. Mrs. Green watched from the couch and allowed her to get it all out. She then stood up and walked over to Elizabeth. Taking a hold of the girl gently by the shoulders, Deloris Green spoke with her whole heart.

“Elizabeth, first let’s get something straight. You are an amazing creation of God’s. We all make mistakes. Mistakes may seem awful at the time, but they are not always bad. Especially when we learn from them. Yes, your parents will be hurt and disappointed when they find out. But they will be more hurt and disappointed if you terminate this pregnancy and never even tell them about their grandchild. One day they will find out. It seems like you have a strong and close relationship with them. Your guilt will get to you, and you will come clean eventually. This center can help you through the pregnancy. We can give you items you may need, we offer classes on parenting, devotional support groups, and other positive options like adoption. We are here for you. Remember, you aren’t just pregnant. You are growing a baby. A beautiful little baby. You may not like how this baby was created, but it was created. It has a beating heart and deserves a chance. Even if another mom raises it. It deserves to be loved. Like you are loved by your parents.” Finished with her speech, she rubbed Elizabeth’s arms then dropped them, taking a step back.

“Thank you,” Elizabeth whispered in a hoarse voice. “You’re right. I have a lot to think about and need to tell my parents first.”

Deloris smiled and walked to a bookshelf which lined the wall behind her and picked up some pamphlets. “Here are some pamphlets on what classes and supplies we offer pregnant women, and here are some on adoption and abortion. I hope you will look fully at all these options with your parents. If, after you talk with them, you still want to discuss an abortion, we can point you in the right direction. But for right now, let’s put that on hold.”

Elizabeth nodded her head in agreement, took the pamphlets from Mrs. Green and thanked her. Elizabeth followed her toward the front door, gave the woman a hug, and walked to her car.

She felt good and knew that she had to somehow get up the nerve to talk to her mom and dad about everything. The thought filled her with anxiety.

Jacob and Chad entered The Pizza Place to meet Stacey and Kristen for a quick dinner. They ordered a supreme pizza and a pitcher of beer. The boys poured themselves a glass as they waited for the girls to arrive.

“Hey, Jacob. Hi, Chad” Jessica noticed the boys when she entered the restaurant to pick up her dinner and walked over to talk to them while she waited.

“Hey, Jessica. You want to take a seat at least until your order is ready?”

Since they had dated for so long, Jacob knew that Jessica always took pizza and spaghetti home to her grandmother on Monday nights. There were many Monday nights that he would join them, eating pizza, and playing Dominoes—Mexican Train.

Jessica nodded her head. “Sure, if I’m not bothering you. Long time no see, Chad. How’s it going?” Chad got up and gave the petite girl a hug.

“Can’t complain. Still got a job and my health. Of course, I haven’t gone to the doctor lately, so I could be dying.” Chad answered in his always joking way.

Jessica and Jacob laughed at him, and Jessica slid in next to Jacob; he offered her a garlic breadstick which she gladly accepted. She tore it in half, placed the other half on Jacob’s plate, grabbed his glass and took a sip of his beer, just like she always used to do. Catching herself, she looked up at him and smiled.

“Whoops, sorry. Your beer always tasted better than mine.”
