Page 25 of More Than Enough

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Elizabeth was amazed and shocked at what she saw on the screen. She saw ultrasound pictures before but seeing this on the screen—this creature that was in her was shocking!

She couldn’t remove her eyes. Suddenly she noticed that the nurse was pushing buttons and clicking the mouse as she kept moving the microphone all through the gel. Suddenly there was a noise. It sounded a lot like a swishing noise, but there was a rhythm to it.

“Oh, Elizabeth!” Her mother choked back a sob. It then clicked for Elizabeth.

“What is that sound?” Elizabeth asked the nurse, though in her heart she knew what it was.

Elizabeth’s mom answered for the nurse. “That is your baby’s heartbeat. That little face looking at you has a beating heart. Isn’t that amazing!” She watched the confusion turn to wonder on her daughter’s face as the realization dawned within her. The nurse clicked a few more buttons, then turned to Elizabeth and her mother.

“Well, everything sounds and looks perfectly normal. The heart sounds healthy. Elizabeth, you are sixteen weeks along, and everything looks great. Would you like a picture?”

Elizabeth, still shocked and amazed at what she had just witnessed, looked over at her mom. “Mom, if you want it, go ahead. I’m really not ready.” The nurse printed out the ultrasound pictures and handed them to Mrs. Parks.

“Oh, Elizabeth. This is your baby! And it is healthy and beautiful and perfect!” Mrs. Parks held her daughter by her chin as tears flowed from her eyes. “Baby, I know you are scared, and so unsure. But I want you to know, we can do this together. You, me, and your father. I promise you; you are not alone, and never were. But it is ultimately your decision. I want you to know that, and if you choose to keep this baby, it will be a lot of work and responsibility, but God never gives us more than we can handle. I know you can handle this challenge. You are a strong and determined woman!”

Elizabeth reached up and hugged her mom. “Thank you for being so amazing! I am so glad I have you and Dad. I just don’t know. I’m sorry.”

Mrs. Parks hugged her daughter back hard. “Oh, honey. It’s okay. You can take a little more time.”

Mother and daughter hugged and cried. Finally, they decided it was time to get Elizabeth off the table and cleaned up. They wiped the gel from her stomach, resituated her clothes, and left the room together with the pictures of the alien-looking life form growing in Elizabeth’s stomach.

The nurse took them back to Mrs. Green’s office and asked them to wait. Mrs. Green came in shortly and sat down in her chair across from them again.

Noticing the pictures in Mrs. Park’s hand, she motioned toward them. “Can I have a look?”

“Of course.” Mrs. Parks handed the pictures over to Mrs. Green who looked down at them and smiled a sweet smile.

“So, Elizabeth? What are you thinking, or do you need more time to decide?”

Elizabeth looked at the lady across from her. She stared at the pictures in the lady’s hand. Still shocked that that was in her. “It doesn’t seem real. When I look at those pictures, I can see all the little parts. I heard the heartbeat. I know it’s real, but it seems impossible. My feelings are so mixed right now. But I am so sorry, I really can’t answer that yet. I am so confused.”

Elizabeth stopped and just stared at the pictures. “If I keep it, I know I will need to face so many questions, and judgments. I don’t really know if I’m ready for that.”

Deloris looked at her and put her hand on the young girl’s leg. “Yes, you might be faced with a lot of questions,” she answered Elizabeth’s scared and confused eyes. “There will be times it won’t be easy, but with your parents’ support, and what we offer here at the center, you will have lots of people in your corner. We also have a class that would be perfect for you. All the future moms are single, first-time moms. Some are older than you, some your age, and a few younger. I would love to have you join. We meet on Wednesday nights or Saturday mornings. I would love for you to come and visit with us this Saturday. It might help you make your decision.” Mrs. Green gave Elizabeth some information about the group and other services the center would be able to offer her.

“One more thing, Elizabeth.” Deloris was looking in Elizabeth’s file. “It says here in your file that you’re sixteen weeks along. That means what you thought was the date of conception is quite a bit earlier in February. Not that you need to answer, but does that make it easier to know who the father is?”

Elizabeth looked at the woman across from her and did some calculations in her head. The new time frame made it clear. She knew who the father was. There was no doubt.

She stood up and her mom did too. Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders. She had to think about all this more, and right now she was just ready to go, so Deloris led them through to the lobby.

“Thank you so much for all the help.” Mrs. Parks leaned in and hugged Deloris. “I appreciate everything. You have no idea.”

Deloris hugged her back. “You are so welcome. I am only doing my job. Thank you for supporting your daughter like you are. Elizabeth is lucky to have you by her side. Not all girls have someone they can turn to.”

Deloris gave one last squeeze. “Please keep in touch. We are here for you, too. You are Elizabeth’s family.”

Elizabeth and her mom finished saying their goodbyes. Mrs. Parks agreed to get Elizabeth to see a doctor soon, and they left the center and walked across the lot to get in their car. Elizabeth was deep in thought.

Elizabeth’s alarm went off early the next morning. She turned it off and laid in her cozy bed staring up at her ceiling.

Remembering the discussion with her parents last night, she realized how lucky she really was. Her dad was his typical loving and understanding self. She knew he was a little disappointed in the decisions and choices she made over the past couple years, but his love trumped everything.

She had no clue what the future was going to hold, but she knew she was lucky to have her parents’ support and knowing who the father of her baby is made her choices easier to make.

It was time to start her day and get to work, so she pushed herself out of bed, into the shower, and got dressed.

Elizabeth was soon in the kitchen, where she shoved a cinnamon bagel into the toaster, filled a mug with coffee, and grabbed an orange out of the fruit bowl on the counter.
