Page 26 of More Than Enough

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The strong, sweet, and citrusy aroma of the orange filled her senses as she peeled it. She popped one small, juicy wedge into her mouth, enjoying the sweetness, when her mother walked in the kitchen, stealing a wedge for herself, and surrounded Elizabeth in a tight hug.

“How are things with you this morning?”

Elizabeth gave her mom a relaxed smile. “I feel good, Mom. Like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Thank you for listening last night and being so understanding.”

“Elizabeth, you know we love you.”

After spreading a huge slab of cream cheese on her bagel, she promised her mom she would be home for dinner, gave her another quick hug, grabbed her breakfast, and left for work.

Main Street Boutique was the best atmosphere to uplift a person. Between all the work which kept her busy, such as straightening shelves, filling and designing displays, and helping customers find the perfect gift for a friend, or treat for themselves, Elizabeth got to spend her day with a sweet and understanding boss, and her best friend.

Some days, like today, being so focused on the activity and work around her, it was easy for Elizabeth to forget about the mess she was in and her pregnancy. Life really wasn’t that bad.

Jessica didn’t come in until later, so it was just Elizabeth and Barbara Stanzel all morning. The steadiness of the store kept them both busy. Seeing people from the community come in and talk to her helped Elizabeth to remember the joy of being in a small town. She enjoyed chatting with the customers while they milled around the shelves, picking things up and trying on clothes.

“Elizabeth! Hey, how’s your day going?” Elizabeth turned to see who was talking to her and smiled as she noticed Chad standing there, with his arms filled with scarves, purses, and socks.

Elizabeth chuckled at the scene in front of her. “Hey, Chad. Nice to see you.” Elizabeth studied the pile of products in Chad’s arms. “I’m having a great day and can tell you’re enjoying shopping. Look, I would love to make the sale, but I don’t think those socks are your color.”

“Very funny! It is my mother’s birthday. I always come in here to find something for her. I am not much of a shopper, though. What do you think she might like?” He held up the purse and scarf.

“Does she like scarves? If so, that is a nice one. It is light, and a neutral color. She could wear it anytime and with any color. But that purse is so cute! Small enough not to be a burden, yet it still holds necessities. I personally think the purse is more practical, though, this time of year.”

“That’s what I was thinking. I also need to grab some earrings. She loves the ones Mrs. Stanzel carries here.”

Elizabeth took the items from him that he was no longer interested in purchasing, put them back in their respective places on the shelf, and led him to checkout. He placed the purse on the counter and chose some earrings.

“Chad, I was going to run across the street and grab a sandwich for lunch. Would you like to go with me? Without Jessica here, I’d have to eat alone. Company would be great.” Elizabeth asked as she rang up his purchases and placed them in a bag.

“That sounds good. I was planning on grabbing a bite anyway.”

“Great. Let me go tell Mrs. Stanzel I am taking lunch and we can go.”

Elizabeth let her boss know she was running across the street to grab a sandwich, grabbed her purse, and headed to the door with Chad. They walked the short distance across the street and into the deli. The smell of fresh-baked bread, and sandwich meat accosted their senses as soon as they entered.

“It always smells so good in here!” Elizabeth inhaled the aroma as she approached the counter to place her order. She ordered a roast beef sandwich with coleslaw, chips, and water, paid at the register, and sat down at a corner table.

Chad took the seat across from her, placing her water on the table. She thanked him and took a big swig of the cool drink.

They made small talk while they waited for their sandwiches. Church, growing up around the area, and family were the topics of discussion. Finally, their food was placed in front of them, and all talking ceased while they started eating.

Chad, finished his sandwich, wiped his mouth, took a drink of his coke, and looked at Elizabeth over his cup. “So, I know a lot about you now, but not if you have a boyfriend.”

Elizabeth choked on her bite of coleslaw she just placed in her mouth. “Excuse me, that is rather random!”

“No, I mean, you are a pretty girl, my best friend seems interested, and I am just making sure he is not getting in the way of something and wasting his time.”

“Your best friend seems interested? Interested in what, and who?” Elizabeth stopped eating and looked at Chad directly into his eyes.

“Now, look, He hasn’t said anything, but I haven’t seen Jacob act the way he’s been acting around you in quite a while. Just sayin’ and making an observation.”

“Oh, well in that case, no, there is no boyfriend. I am not sure, though, that Jacob is interested. We just talk. He’s nice, and…”

“Nice? That’s all you think he is, is nice? You don’t think he is interesting, funny, outrageously handsome?”

“What! None of that is any of your business!” Elizabeth turned away from him, feeling her cheeks turning hot.

“Do you really think he is interested? How interested?”
