Page 27 of More Than Enough

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“Well, he doesn’t usually run after girls in the church parking lot, so I would say pretty interested.”

“Hmmm.” was all Elizabeth replied and she felt a smile escape her lips. She looked at Chad, and seeing the goofy questioning look on his face, busted out laughing.

Eventually she gained her composure, took a drink, and a bite of chips before answering him. “Chad, I need to get back to work. I will see you both at the bowling alley Saturday. Thanks for the lunch date.”

“Date? Well then, I will make sure Jacob knows I went on a date with you. We will see how jealous he gets when he hears about this.” Chad wiggled his eyebrows, grabbed their plates and trash, got up and walked to the trash can. Elizabeth, laughing, picked up her water, hung her purse over her arm, and followed Chad out the door. They said their goodbyes, and Elizabeth walked across the street back to work.

Elizabeth didn’t have to work Thursday but stayed busy all morning running errands for her mother. When she finally got home later in the afternoon, she dressed in running shorts, a sports bra, and tied on her running shoes. She needed to go on a long run and get her mind focused and clear.

As she was making the last turn toward home, she noticed her handsome neighbor heading to the mailbox. Running shoes and shorts were his only attire. Man, did he look good shirtless! He must have been doing some yard work because there was grass on his shoes, and his chest was glistening with sweat. She hoped she wasn’t staring at him, but at the same time, couldn’t help herself, and truly didn’t really care.

“Hey, Elizabeth. Looks like you made it home this time.”

She stopped running and quickly monitored herself to make sure she didn’t stink. “Hi, Jacob. You’re funny. Yeah, I guess I did, but I just went for a short run this time. Nothing to be concerned about.”

She answered back and walked across the yard to see him. “Looks like you’ve been working hard.”

“Yeah, well not as hard as you. I hear you had a lunch date with Chad today. He said you had a thing for his sense of humor.” Jacob smiled at her, and Elizabeth didn’t miss the fact that he was checking her out.

Laughing, Elizabeth shook her head “Yeah, well we had a date. We went and had sandwiches. I enjoyed talking with him. He’s good company.”

“I agree. He really is.” Jacob wiped his hand across his face, smearing dirt across his forehead as he did.

“Umm, you made a mess.” Elizabeth reached up and wiped the dirt from his forehead, then wiped her hand on her shorts, laughing at him.

“Yeah, I am sure I look a mess, and that didn’t help. I need to grab a glass of water and clean up a bit. Want to come in and get a drink?”

Elizabeth agreed and followed him across the lawn, up the deck steps, and into the door to the kitchen.

“Grab some bottles of water from the fridge, will you?” Jacob crossed to the sink and washed his hands, threw water onto his face, and washed off the sweat and dirt.

Elizabeth went to the refrigerator, took out two water bottles and placed one on the counter next to her. She uncapped the other and took a drink.

She didn’t realize how thirsty she was. The cold water was refreshing. Meanwhile, Jacob dried his hands off, walked to the counter, and grabbed his water. He downed the entire bottle of water in one gulp.

“I guess I needed that.” He wiped the last drops of water from his chin and turned to face Elizabeth. He reached over and gently brushed some of her hair off her forehead and tucked it behind her ear.

“How are you feeling? I haven’t seen you since I left you with your parents in the hospital.”

Elizabeth couldn’t help but notice how he looked at her. His gaze was so intense. His eyes were so blue, she felt as if she could get lost and drown looking into those eyes.

“I’m good.” That was all she answered. There was nothing else to say.

“Good. You scared me, you know. I saw you, then you fell on the ground. I wasn’t sure what happened.”He moved closer to her and placed his empty water bottle on the counter next to him.

Not wanting to go further into this discussion, Elizabeth answered him quickly, letting him know it wasn’t a big deal. “Thank you for being concerned, but you don’t need to be. Really, everything is fine.”

“Good to hear.”

Holding her gaze, he again raised his hand to her face and brushed away the same stubborn lock of hair which couldn’t seem to ever stay in place behind her ear.

He leaned in closer to her, and slowly, but gently brushed his lips against hers.

Her lips were cool and wet from the water. He liked the feel of them, and the gentleness. He noticed she didn’t resist, so he touched their lips together again. His lips were a little more demanding this time. Elizabeth eagerly answered back. Their lips both wanted what the other gave.

She moved in front of him, and put her hands on his hard, shirtless chest. He wrapped her in his arms, one hand on the small of her back, and the other cupping the back of her head. She moved her arms around his neck. Their mouths opened slightly, and their tongues touched. Elizabeth’s senses soared.

He was demanding, yet gentle. Warm, yet hot at the same time. This kiss was nothing like she had ever experienced before. There was something to this, something she wasn’t used to. It was full of desire, and wanting, yet something more. Caring.
