Page 7 of More Than Enough

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She slowly wrapped one arm around him, stood on her toes, and turned his face toward her with her other hand. She loved his eyes and stared into them. “You know we do.” Seductively, she planted a kiss on his lips, knowing he had a hard time refusing her, especially when he had been drinking.

Jacob felt his body reacting to her in a way he wished it wouldn’t. Yet, she was hot and amazing in bed. And sexy. So sexy. He couldn’t refuse her, and though he tried to fight it, he found himself returning her kiss.

The kiss got deeper and more demanding. He pushed her up against the counter, hard, putting his hands up the front of her shirt. He pulled his head back as he kneaded her breast to watch her eyes—closed and euphoric. She opened them a little to see him watching her with lust. Smiling a small, sexy smile, she reached up and pulled his mouth back to meet hers.

“Excuse me for bothering you, but I am out of here.” Chad was leaning against the door frame of the kitchen with his arms crossed, laughing, and shaking his head.

Their magic was broken. The kiss ended. Kristen, frustrated from the interruption, put her forehead against Jacob’s chest, willing him not to turn away from her.

Jacob leaned away and took a deep breath to regain his composure before turning to face his friend, thankful for the interruption. “Alright, man. I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ll be over to pick you up in the morning.” Jacob tried to walk away, but Kristen held on to a fist-full of his shirt.

Chad raised his hand.“Don’t stop what you’re doing on my account. I’ll see myself out. Good night, y’all. Be good, Bro’.” Chad turned his back, laughing as he walked away.

Jacob shook his head and turned away from Kristen, pulled out of her grasp and walked toward the coffee pot to fill a mug.Get a grip. You need to move on from her. You know it.

Chad passed Stacey on his way through the living room. “You better watch out. Things are getting a bit hot in the kitchen, and it is not all the cooking going on.” He hugged her and thanked her for having them over and let himself out.

Stacey heard the voices of her brother and best friend. Kristen’s voice was high pitched, tension filled, and she entered the living room soon after.

“I’ll see you in your room. I’m going to bed!” She, looked flushed and shook her head as she stormed by.

“Alright, Kris, I’ll be there in a bit. You, okay?” Stacey watched her walk past. She just raised her hand in a motion of ‘don’t talk to me’ and slammed the bedroom door behind her.

Stacey stood and stared after her for a second, scrunched her forehead in thought, then picked up the last of the food and dishes from the dining room table and headed into the kitchen. Her brother was leaning with both arms on the counter, his head down.

“Hey, little brother, is everything okay?” Stacey placed the dishes next to the sink, filled a mug with hot coffee, and leaned against the counter next to Jacob.

He turned toward her, and took a large gulp of his coffee, shaking his head.“Why do I keep giving in to her? Every time, it just makes things worse. I can’t persuade her that I’m not interested, when all she needs to do is give me a little alcohol and look at me in that way she does, and I always give in. If Chad hadn’t interrupted us, I would have done something I would’ve regretted later. Again!” He looked up at his sister with questioning in his eyes.

Stacey sighed, placed her mug on the counter, and put her arms around him.

He returned her hug.

“I know you and Kristen have a difficult history, and I know she’s hard to handle, but at least you know you’re alone by choice. She would be yours with a simple statement from you. The positive out of it is that when you hit old age, you don’t have to worry about anything. She will always want to be with you. You’ll never have to be lonely.” Stacey hip-butted Jacob to make him smile.

He laughed at her, and they finished cleaning up the kitchen together, locked up the house, then walked toward their rooms.

Stacey hugged him goodnight. “Lock your door, or you might have an unwanted bed mate.

Jacob laughed at her. “Thank you for reminding me.” They separated and went into their rooms. Jacob paused, thought of sending a text into the room across the hall, but changed his mind, closed his bedroom door, and turned the lock.


The obnoxious alarm of Jacob’s cellphone laying on the bedside table woke him early the next morning. Stretching, he rolled over and reached out to turn it off, slapping his hand around. He missed his phone but did manage to knock it and two large books onto the floor with a loud crash.


“COME ON! Turn off already!”

Jacob clumsily climbed out of his queen size bed, leaned over to grab his phone from the floor, and quickly turned off the alarm before it went off again. Yawning and stretching wide, he slowly left his room and headed to the kitchen toward the coffee pot.

Once he had a steaming cup of dark, delicious coffee in his hand, he went back to his bathroom and hopped in the shower. A nice hot shower would feel amazing and help to wake him up and wash away that last glass or two of wine from the night before.

Thirty minutes later, he was dressed in slacks, a bright blue button-up shirt, and Dockers. He sat in the kitchen, eating a bagel with peanut butter and drinking his second cup of coffee, when Stacey and Kristen walked in.

Both girls were dressed in tank tops and pajama bottoms. Jacob couldn’t help but notice Kristen’s tank top did little to hide what she had under it. His thoughts wandered back to last night and their time in the kitchen. Shaking his head, he quickly forced his thoughts back to the present.

“Good morning, ladies. What gets y’all up at this hour?” Jacob asked his drowsy sister and her friend.
