Page 8 of More Than Enough

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Stacey shot him a deadly look as she reached for the coffee and salted caramel creamer she used to doctor up her drink, while Kristen sat on the bar stool next to Jacob.

“Good morning, Jake.” Kristen looked at him with a tired, yet sultry look, grabbed his coffee mug, and took a big swig. Jacob found himself staring at Kristen, again thinking back to their kiss last night and where it could have led.

“Mmm.” is all the reply he got from his sister.

“Great coffee,” replied Kristen as she flashed him a tired smile. “Did you sleep well, Jacob? I was a little lonely.”

Jacob glanced at Kristen, thinking back to the scene in the kitchen last night. “I made it through.”

He got up from the counter to put some space between him and a bad idea, and to refill his mug. He leaned back on the counter and looked at his sister and Kristen.

“You know, why don’t you two get showered and dressed, and head out to church with me?” Jacob asked this to his sister almost every week, hoping that this would be the week she would give in and say okay. “You may find that it’s not as bad as you think.”

“Yeah, I don’t think church is our thing. Thanks for asking, though. You enjoy yourself. I’ll be here when you get back. And when I say here, I mean on the couch, in front of the television, still in my cozy clothes,” replied Stacey. “But, if you want to get pizza afterward, let us know. We’ll meet you there.”

“I’d love to, but I need to get out of here soon. I have lots to do today. But meeting for pizza does sound good,” answered Kristen.

“All right, whatever. If it gets you dressed and out of the house, meet Chad and me at the pizzeria for lunch. If you’re too lazy to show up to eat, I’ll be home later.” Jacob grabbed his to-go cup of coffee and his keys and headed out the door.

Once in his car, he turned on the radio and was enjoying the beautiful sunny morning as he pulled in front of Chad’s house to pick him up. Neither of them has families who go to church, so they tend to hitch rides together, so they don’t have to sit alone, even though they know quite a few people who attend on Sunday mornings.

“Good morning,” said Chad as he plopped into the front seat.” I see you didn’t talk your hot sister, or her beautiful friend into joining us today. Maybe I need to come and give your sis some of the famous Chad encouragement one morning.” Chad raised his eyebrows laughing.

Jacob answered, the same way as usual, with a punch in his friend’s arm. “Ouch! Really not necessary!”

“Then stop hitting on my sister and being all disgusting. She’s known you for years, and you’ve never had a chance.”

“Okay, true. How about you and Kristen? You were being friendly again last night. Anything I need to know about? Did you get lucky?” Chad threw out a string of questions, always entertained by the drama that seemed to follow Kristen and Jacob.

Jacob glanced over at him quickly, then got his eyes back on the road. Shaking his head, he answered with a sigh. “I stopped drinking for this very reason. It always gets the best of me, and Kristen knows what buttons to push. Thankfully, I stopped everything before it went much further than just a kiss.”

“Just a kiss? I don’t know, that was an awfully long kiss that seemed to be leading to a bit more. Man, that girl has it bad for you. And you, you just keep going right back to what you say you don’t want. If I were you, I’d just give in already. Even though she’s hot, and crazy about you, you two are toxic when you’re together. But I would do anything to have that type of woman problem.”

Jacob shot a ‘shut-the-hell-up’ look at his best friend as he reached the church parking lot. He parked, turned the car off, yanked the keys out of the ignition, got out and slammed his door shut.

“Don’t tempt me like that. If you were half the friend you are supposed to be, you would have kept that from happening and sure wouldn’t be encouraging it. You know she is nothing but trouble. God. What is my problem! Even this morning when they both came into the kitchen, I couldn’t help but think about possibly missing church and taking Kristen to bed.” Jacob turned his eyes to the heavens when he said this last part, and walked with a frustrated gait.

Chad rushed up to his best friend and slapped his hand on Jacob’s shoulder. “Dude, it’s okay. You could have much worse girls after your hot body.”

Jacob stopped walking and turned toward Chad, his eyes blazing with irritation.

Chad, a smile starting to creep up the corner of his mouth, stopped next to his friend. “But seriously. I know. I should have taken you away from that situation before it went too far. My bad.” With this apology, the guys entered the front doors of the church.

Being a little late, as usual, they slipped into a pew at the back just as the pastor walked up to the pulpit. After a prayer, scripture reading, and a few hymns, it was time to stand up and greet each other.

“Hey, isn’t that Elizabeth from last night?” Chad elbowed Jacob in the side, and gestured across the crowded sanctuary.

Jacob glanced in the direction his friend was pointing, nodded his agreement, and got back to greeting the people around him with smiles, nods, and hugs to the ladies he has gotten to know since he started attending here a few years ago.

As they sat back down, and prepared to listen to Pastor John’s sermon, he couldn’t help but glance over to where they noticed Elizabeth.

He finally found her, sitting with her parents, directly next to her dad. He glimpsed her smile as she looked at her father. He said something to her, which made her laugh a little. Jacob couldn’t help but notice how her face lit up when she smiled. That was something he didn’t see last night. She looked so relaxed sitting with her dad beside her. He also noticed how intent she was listening to the sermon. Every now and then she looked down and wrote something. She must have been taking notes.

Suddenly, the congregation started praying, Pastor John made some announcements, the closing hymn was sung, and church was over. Jacob and Chad chatted with friends on their way out. Pastor John greeted them, told them both how glad he was to see them, and said something about the upcoming get together the young adult class was having. Jacob was nodding, but not paying attention. He was scanning the crowd for Elizabeth.

Once they were outside, Chad elbowed him again, “Dude, I think who you’re looking for is climbing into a red car over there.” Jacob followed Chad’s gaze and saw her profile standing by a red Nissan Altima.

“Thanks, Bud. Be right back.” Jacob said this over his shoulder as he jogged across the parking lot.

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