Page 55 of Your Love is Enough

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Tristan’s gaze traveled over Stacey. Her hair blew gently in the afternoon breeze, and her face looked relaxed. He liked her here. She was the first girl in a very long time he shared his life with and showed his home too. She was gorgeous, and being here made her seem different. He loved everything about her. He let out a pent-up breath. He needed to tell her about his aunt. If she runs into them before he can talk to Stacey…Why have you put it off so long? She has a trust issue, especially with rich guys, and here you are.

She looked up at him, a soft smile slowly covered her face. “What?” She mouthed.

He reached out to place her hair behind her ear.Say something now.His voice caught in his throat. “Nothing.” He shook his head. “Just watching you. You look like you belong here.”Great job dumb ass.He touched her cheek. Her skin was soft and warmed by the sun. His eyes roamed over her skin, her lips. He leaned down and kissed those lips softly. He forgot where he was as he became mesmerized by everything Stacey. Their kiss continued, and his heart sped up. She amazed him. His heart loved her. He loved her. Then why couldn’t he be honest?

“Hey, you’re getting the evil eye thrown at you.”

Adler’s comment interrupted Tristan’s moment. He heard horses approaching and slowly pulled away.

Stacey glanced at the approaching girl on horseback. “Your fan awaits.” She smiled and gave a small laugh.

He winked at her and walked away, for now. He had all day, and the thought of dancing with her in his arms tonight was enough to get him through this nightmare of a middle schooler and the possibility of Stacey being angry with him when he finally got around to letting her know about his aunt. She’ll understand. It won’t be a big deal.

What an awesome day.

Stacey and Desiree were lounging in the grass under a large tree, waiting for the guys to send the last group of kids back to the main house. Tristan was fun to watch. He seemed so at home and relaxed around the kids and the horses.

Adler was a different story. He was relaxed around the horses, yes. Kids, not so much. He rolled his eyes as the guys walked toward the girls. “Desiree, we always eat around six, then the real fun starts. Let’s go get cleaned up and take a break. I need a drink or five.”

Desiree grabbed his hand and laughed. “Hard day?”

“You have no idea.” He shook his head, and they turned to go.

Tristan stopped Stacey. “Would you be willing to go for a ride?”

“What, on a horse?” Stacey’s heart skipped, and those nerves which had been gone all day returned.

“You’ll be fine. Ride Dandelion.” He gestured to the brown horse Stacey had spent some time with earlier. “She’s gentle, and you’re used to each other.”

Stacey let out a breath. “Fine. You’re right, we’re friends. Remember that, Dandelion.”

Tristan and Stacey mounted the horses, and Stacey’s followed Tristan’s through the pasture to the back—way back—and they exited into the hills beyond. He took it slow, thankfully. She relaxed as she got used to the rhythm of the horse. Dandelion was a gentle horse and knew where she was going and just followed Tristan over hills covered with the flower, her namesake.

They didn’t talk as they rode, which was fine with Stacey.

Her eyes roamed the acres of pasture and hills all around her. She was surrounded by the sights, sounds, and smells of nature; sometimes, they weren’t that pleasant, and her nose curled, but mostly, it was stunning. Dotted throughout the hills in the distance were quite a lot of cattle grazing in the grass.

Soon, they made a turn, and Stacey’s breath caught. In front of her, the rolling hills turned into a grassy meadow with a large oak tree next to a pond. On the other side of the oak, there was what looked like an old log cabin. One that might have been built by early pioneers. Tristan hopped off his horse, who went to drink from the pond and eat the grass around it. He helped her down, and her horse did the same.

She looked around in awe. “Tristan, this place is beautiful.” She walked over to the dilapidated house, and on closer inspection, she noticed that it had been slightly repaired. She peered into the door. There was a picnic table and a couple of rocking chairs inside, and it was surprisingly clean.

She turned with confusion.

“Neat, huh? The cabin’s been here at least a hundred years. My uncle keeps it up as a place to get out of the rain and for shelter if you’re riding. Adler and I used to spend the night in here as often as we could, doing secret guy stuff.”

“Really?” Yeah, she could see it. Little Adler and little Tristan talking about who knows what under the stars. A smile warmed her features. “Who else have you slept with in here.”

Tristan threw his head back laughing. “Oh, one day, maybe I’ll answer that. But I can tell you we had many parties out here.” He pulled her in his arms. “I can also tell you I haven’t brought a girl out here for…” He looked off into the distance, thinking. “It’s got to be at least three years. Maybe more.”

What? She wasn’t sure she believed him. This guy? “No way.”

“I didn’t say I haven’t had sex in over three years. I just haven’t brought anyone out here.” He closed the space between them and wrapped her in his arms. “I’m thinking that my drought might be coming to an end.”

Stacey’s heart did that now familiar pounding when he was this close to her and looked at her with that smoky-eyed look. “Oh really? You think I’m gonna end your drought in this dirty and dusty old house?” She pulled from his grasp and walked farther into the cabin, exploring. “What if I tell you I don’t like dark, dirty places.”

She felt his presence close and walked out the back of the cabin. The meadow spread out in front of her. Butterflies and Dragonflies fluttered about, landing on the many wildflowers that covered the landscape. She turned toward the pond and leaned against the oak tree. The trunk was double the width of any she had seen before. It was old and tall, and the temperature under it must have been at least five degrees cooler. This place was amazing, and the view was breathtaking. To the side of the tree was a patch of black-eyed Susan flowers. Stacey bent down to pick one, but Tristan beat her to it, and leaned on the trunk in front of her, holding the perfect gold and brown flower out to her.

A smile crept across her face, and her hands reached out to take it from him. “It’s beautiful.” She said as she touched the soft petals.
