Page 85 of Your Love is Enough

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Tristan did not return it. “I’m going to bed.” Tristan could barely get the words out. He was so tired.

“I’ll be leaving here around one to help Desiree with the cakes. Will I see you at the wedding?” Adler lifted an eyebrow.

“I don’t know. I haven’t decided yet.” He left Adler behind, walked to his room, and barely closed his door before he crashed onto his bed.

Stacey and Kristen were in the woman’s restroom at the courthouse. Stacey just got confirmation from Chad that everything was a go. At five thirty, he and Jacob would be down front with the judge, and she and Kristen could walk in.

There was no music, no pastor, no guests. Just the four of them and the judge.

A perfect Kristen wedding.

They finished applying their lipstick and packed all their things back in the bag Stacey brought with them. Then they stood in front of the mirror.

“Don’t do it, Stace. Don’t you dare cry.” Kristen was pointing at her reflection.

Stacey took a deep breath. “You look beautiful, Kristen.” Kristen’s skin was a golden tan due to her religious trips to the tanning booth. Her blonde hair was curled slightly to add some waves, but she kept it loose and hanging. Just like Jacob liked it. Her white dress was perfect on her and looked amazing against her golden-tanned skin. The dress was long, yet fitting. It fit snuggly around all her perfect curves, and the front plunged just low enough to be sexy, and she wore simple white heels.

“Well, Stace, you look amazing also.”

Stacey looked at herself and had to agree. Her dress was just like Kristen’s, yet a dark yellow color. With Stacey’s light brown hair and tanned skin, the dress really made her eyes pop.

She reached for her bag and pulled out the simple little bouquets they ordered from the florist. Each one had a white lily and greenery.

Kristen lit up when she saw them. “They’re perfect.”

“Thank God. I was worried you wouldn’t like them. They’re very simple, but we only had a couple of days, and they worked with what they had.” Sometimes, Kristen can be difficult. Maybe marriage will change her a little. Stacey checked her watch. Five-thirty. “It’s time. Ready?”

Kristen’s eyes were bulging, and she started to shake.

“My God, Kristen. You look terrified.” Stacey turned her away from the mirror. “Look at me.” Their eyes focused on each other. “Breathe.” Stacey led her through some concentrated breathing. Slowly, in and out. “There. Good. Remember, It’s just Jacob.”

Kristen smiled. “You’re right. I’m getting ready to marry Jacob.”

“The exact husband you wished for.” Stacey felt tears welling up. “Everything is going to be perfect.”

She watched as Kristen’s body relaxed and her face lit up. “Let’s do this. Take me to my husband.”

The girls hugged and left the bathroom.

Chad, Jacob, and the judge were waiting when they walked in.

Stacey and Kristen walked side by side down the short aisle. As she walked, Stacey’s eyes never left her brother. His face was shining. If he was at all nervous or had any doubts, they didn’t show. His eyes never left Kristen. His smile filled his face. The love radiating from both of them would have made the biggest miser believe in true love. Stacey’s heart swelled. This is how things should be. Two people for better or for worse. Knowing each other’s flaws, yet still in love, still together, pledging themselves to each other forever.

Stacey tried to pay attention to the short ceremony, but she couldn’t keep her eyes off her brother and best friend.

Chad wrapped his arm around her waist when they were announced husband and wife.

Tears ran down Stacey’s face when Jacob was told to kiss his bride.

It was beautiful. It was perfect.

Jacob and Kristen were married. Together forever as one.

Stacey never felt so proud.

She drove with Chad to her house, and Jacob and Kristen rode together. She sent Elizabeth a text letting her know they were on their way, and she and Chad pulled in first. She looked around at her backyard. “Elizabeth, Jess. Everything is perfect.” The tables all had white table covers and a small vase of flowers. The food was set up, and Desiree did a great job on the cake and dessert table. Stacey went to thank her and was shocked to see Adler there.

“Hi, Stacey.” Adler gave her a small, slightly awkward hug.
