Page 86 of Your Love is Enough

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Stacey couldn’t help but look around. Her heart deflated when she noticed Tristan wasn’t there.

“He’s not here.” Adler read her mind. “He had a shitty time getting home and didn’t get to the house until nine this morning. He went right to bed.”

Stacey shrugged. “Do you know if he’s coming?” Her voice was small.

Adler shook his head. “He didn’t say.”

Stacey nodded, yet didn’t have to worry about it for long because Jacob pulled in.

Jacob and Kristen did just as they were told and waited until all the outside lights were turned on before they got out. They walked down the walkway, edged with the lights, hand in hand, all smiles while everyone cheered.

Everyone but Stacey. She cried. Watching her brother and bestie so happy filled her with joy. Not having Tristan here to share it with, put that knife right back in her heart.

“Hey.” Elizabeth came over and wrapped her arms around her. “This was perfect. And they are so happy. Good job.”

Stacey laughed and wiped the tears from her face. Get yourself together. “Thank you, Liz. They are happy. They deserve to be.”

Stacey enjoyed the party as everyone started eating and celebrating, and laughter filled the air. Soon Chad changed the music. It was time for the couple’s first dance. Stacey stood off to the side with Elizabeth and Brady as Jacob and Kristen took the dance floor. Arm in arm, they danced to their song. They seemed to be so into each other that they didn’t notice all the people standing around watching them.

Stacey wiped at a silent tear.

Elizabeth wrapped her arm around her. “You know, Stace. They aren’t the only ones who deserve to be happy.”

Not now. This day isn’t about me.He forgot anyway.“It’s not about me, Liz. And anyway, I screwed things up. I’ve got a lot to fix, and I think it could be too late.”

Brady leaned over. “Hey, I don’t want to step in, but if you really love him and think it’s worth fighting for, you need to do whatever is necessary to make things right.” He placed a kiss on Elizabeth’s cheek.

Elizabeth smiled a broad smile. “He’s right. I don’t know, Stace. I don’t think it’s ever too late for love.” Elizabeth’s gaze fell behind them, and she gestured with her head.

Stacey followed her eyes and turned around.

Her heart stopped.

Walking toward her was Tristan. He was wearing a black suit with a light gray shirt and a gray tie.

She forgot to breathe. She forgot to move. Elizabeth gave her a nudge.

She walked up to him, and butterflies flew wildly around in her stomach. A smile slowly crept across her face. “Hey. You made it.”

“Yeah, I had an awful night and didn’t know if I really wanted to be here.”

Stacey’s pulse picked up speed the longer she stayed near him. “But you’re here. You came.”

Tristan reached out and grabbed her hands. “Of course, I’m here. You asked me to come.”

She squeezed his hands and stared into his eyes. “I really messed up, and I know I said things and jumped to stupid conclusions, and if I could take it all back, I would, but I can’t, so I can just say I’m sorry. You don’t have to believe me. I’d understand if you walked away. But I need you to know I will work on my trust issues. I know I can trust you; I know you never deliberately kept anything from me. I was very difficult, and I’m sorry. So sorry.” She finally took a breath.

Her eyes searched his.I love you, Tristan.Maybe if she thought it enough, he would believe her. “I know I need to prove to you that I trust you and have faith in us. The only way I can do that is for us to try again.” She paused and backed away just a little. “Can we try again?” She winced as she said it. What if he said no?

She would deserve it, but she would still fight for him. She needed him. She wanted him. Her heart beat for him, but for now, her heart was suspended in time, waiting for his answer.


Stacey froze. He said yes. That quickly. “Really?”

A smile grew on his face. “Again, yes.”

There was his crease. Her heart started beating, and she exhaled. She slowly reached out to brush her fingers over his cheek, and she felt her body relax. His arms wrapped around her waist, and her body melted.
